Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Difference Grinder Blender

Patriot Digital lawyer! A girl named

In the first ten days of March, I must admit that the blog was a bit 'quiet! This is because my "life forensic" sometimes fills commitments that have little to do with my job but I feel I can not say no.
is the case of RisorgItalia . What is this? A ' idea, a desire , perhaps a' requirement dictated by the discomfort I feel every time I speak ill of my country. This has nothing to do with the myriad problems that afflict us in this period. We know we lawyers something else. But Italy and my "Italian" is a different matter and they are far from politics, economics, justice. I'm talking about
sense of belonging, of connection to the land where I was born and where I'm lucky to live. I speak of the sadness I feel when I see it mistreated and exploited as the pride I feel when I meet the creativity, warmth, sympathy, the depth of our experience, different and unique. You can not condemn a priori and in all circumstances a nation for the actions of those who represent it and forget it 's Italy is made by each of us, from landscapes breath that gives us, from cultural and artistic riches, from history, from the kitchen.
RisorgItalia created on the occasion of the celebration of March 17, 2011, a web space where anyone can leave a dedicated to Italy, a positive thinking about the future, a reflection on a people or, more simply, a declaration of love for our beautiful country! The aim is to stimulate a awakening, awareness, remembering those Italians who, after all, love Italy no matter what and not only when the Blues take the field! Two would be
i punti di partenza: un sentimento forte ed immutabile e la rete . Il primo è lo stimolo più giusto, il secondo è lo strumento migliore in questo momento. In fondo, come si può pensare di impegnarsi per migliorare qualcosa che non amiamo? Non smetterò mai di ripeterlo.
L’intuizione iniziale è stata di Massimo Melica il quale, però, ha da subito voluto che non si parlasse di una sua idea bensì di un’idea di tutti: non si tratta di un’invenzione particolare ma di un sentimento comune a molti che va semplicemente riscoperto. Lui, però, ha avuto il merito di dirla a voce alta e provare a diffonderla!
Così in pochissimi days, not even 2 weeks , has formed a group Digital Patriots "volunteers" who, motivated by a strong enthusiasm, have put their professional skills or simply their time to serve the project, were born on website , logos, fan page on Facebook, Twitter account and Youtube channel and slowly the idea is spreading, free of political overtones, conspiracy, commercial or other purposes.
do not know what will lead this project, if it is followed by a hundred or a thousand people, if you have a follow or not. So I'd really like it spread and that the site arricchisse dedications of new internet is exciting to read and which to depart, with the enthusiasm of those who decide not to surrender to the facts, not to recline on a negative attitude, defeatist and useless, but try to act and react.
That said, whatever will be the outcome of the initiative, which I find simple and solar, are extremely proud to be a part and have actively contributed, I'm happy to sacrifice a few nights and hours spent in the conference call with others involved - far but joined the network, but, above all, I'm happy because, on this occasion, I had confirmation of that wonderful people can be the Italian : people who have never seen before, with a different experience, focus and desire are so tired that, at two in the night, chatting and laughing like old friends, united by the ideals and feelings.

Licenza Creative Commons


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