Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alice In Wonderland Monologue Alice

with Paola Scacciavillani ... Interview with Elena Carlini

On Wednesday, March 9, at the beach Venice was presented the book by Elena Carlini "My plastic beads."
Its pleasant afternoon was attended by distinguished guests such as Prof. Paolo De Fabritiis Head of the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care, where Elena has been cured, Professor Aldo Milesi, President of the Rome Prize, Professor Anthony Paone, General Asl Rmc and Professor Eugenio Santoro, Vice Chairman of the Board of Health and Chairman of the Culture Committee of the XIII Municipio: Monica Picca.
Present at the presentation of the book two darlings of the public and great friends of Elena Carlini: Gigi D’Alessio e Anna Tatangelo.


“Le mie perle di plastica”
Intervista alla scrittrice Elena Carlini

di Paola Scacciavillani

“Non so bene in che modo…ma sono viva!” … è con questa significativa esclamazione che vorrei introdurvi Elena Carlini, la giovanissima e deliziosa Autrice del libro “Le mie perle di plastica”

Carissima Elena, sei giovanissima e a soli 22 anni ti è capitato di dover scrivere un libro per reagire ad una terribile realtà chiamata “linfoma di Hodgkin”, raccontaci…

all started in May 2009 when I was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system, Hodgkin's lymphoma in advanced stage. From that moment he immediately begins the ordeal of treatment, a first cycle of chemotherapy which will last 6 months, but relapsed lymphoma a few weeks after end of therapy and chemotherapy should intervene to "rescue" a very high dose chemotherapy, long hospital stays, immune suppression, bone marrow transplantation and radiotherapy.

is the reason for your statement ... "I do not know how, but I'm alive!" And you react to everything and begin to write a book ...

The book was the only way that I had to react, one way to pass the hours long and lonely isolation in a clean room. A book was born as the natural evolution of a long and difficult that I could not forget that on the contrary I had to vent, cry, despair ... I had somewhere to channel all the emotions and anger and fear, on its own, there I did the most to support them, so slowly, took shape in my book that is the library from December 15, 2010 and is already proving a success ..

What this book has meant to you, as well as being a great help to pass the time during the long and painful therapies?

published was also a way to tell everyone that it is difficult, but you have to endure and go forward, stand and move on, and believe that everything will end. One way to get around this, open to all, give it to everyone, and thus remove all the weight on me, my family, people that I have been close.

book How has this affected your relationship with the other patients?

For me it was a great help to talk with patients and former patients, to become friends, helped me feel less alone, it helped me to feel understood, and because I could see that healing is possible. I would like that my book would help those people who are sick themselves and feel alone, desperate, terrified.

fact is these people that you turn your thought full of love by dedicating the proceeds from the sale of this book AIL

Yes, my great wish is that donating to charity all the proceeds from the sale of the book the Italian Association of lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma, with my experience I can contribute financially to the research to eradicate this evil.

What is your mood now?

Now the euphoria of my literary debut has replaced fear, now there's my book, no more than my illness. It moves me greatly to think that my next book will attend the "Premio Roma" and I would like to express my warmest thanks to Prof. Aldo Milesi who is the President.

We wish the talented Elena a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness!


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