Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger Tum Filmleri


met this morning, the Security Commission of the City Hall XIII. On the agenda for the prevention of fire within the Roman Coastal State Nature Reserve in the forthcoming Easter holidays and the weekend of May 1.

"Like every year - said Luigi Zaccaria, President Safety Commission XIII Municipio-the Commission's attention to preserving the safety of the reserve is very high. Sensitize the public to re-use of green space, for the forthcoming Easter holidays and weekend May 1, consistent with what are the rules of proper citizenship. Requested to ensure that barbecues and other possible sources of a fire. We will ask the responsible forces, operating in five quadrants of the pine forest, to strengthen controls and target exactly in the prevention of fires. Also call for more attention for those with cars invade the green spaces, breaking the rules and violating the norms of behavior. "

Monday, March 14, 2011

Heparin Units And Insulin Syringe


Amerigo Olive , Councillor XIII Municipio, took part in the traditional ceremony of the National Police, Ostia section dedicated to new members and deans. The event, which saw the participation of Lieutenant Colonel John Adam , Commander of the Carabinieri Ostia Group of Sebastian Captain Arena, Commander of the Carabinieri and the Host Lieutenant Stefanizzi Alberto, Commander of the Police Station Host, was held at the parish hall of the church Santa Monica at Ostia.

The President of the National Police Section of Ostia, Baptist Mazzocchetti handed the scrolls of welcome to new members during 2010-2011, while Amerigo Olive, Councillor XIII Municipio, presented a plaque to members who have made this year to 80 years of age.

"It 's a thrill to be here today - said Amerigo Olive , Councillor XIII Municipio-allows me the opportunity to make a special wish for members who reach a milestone but also to highlight the important work the police, along with other law enforcement agencies, taking place daily in the territory to ensure safety for all our citizens. "

Flaming Hot Cheetos Harmful


was presented this morning in the council chamber "Maximum Amount" at XIII Municipio, the project "A lot of solidarity", edited by the Department of Social Services XIII Municipio.

"This is an important social value of project-Lodovico Pace said , Councillor for Social Policies XIII Municipio-Democritus who has gone from high school three years ago and is now shared from other local schools: Anco Marzio high school and tertiary institution Jules Verne. The students, from second to fourth year classes, are committed to bring its support for disabled children or the elderly frail. They go in their leisure time in the homes of people for a moment of relief to those who need it. They help the children to draw, listen to their music or simply making company to grandparents only. A joint project with the schools because we believe that expanding the dialogue and especially the participation we can decide on the guidelines of social policies to be undertaken on the ground ".

" Often - added Carmine Stornaiuolo , Commission Chairman Hall XIII School-boys are portrayed as bullies and bored. However, those who decided to participate in this project is the good part of young people, who continue to have such noble values \u200b\u200band ideas. "

" Thanks goes especially to those guys, "concluded Bellavista Septimus, President Social Services Commission XIII Municipio-their teachers and school leaders, our social services Manrico and Don who was the promoter of this initiative, the Department has decided to support. "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Alice In Wonderland Monologue Alice

with Paola Scacciavillani ... Interview with Elena Carlini

On Wednesday, March 9, at the beach Venice was presented the book by Elena Carlini "My plastic beads."
Its pleasant afternoon was attended by distinguished guests such as Prof. Paolo De Fabritiis Head of the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care, where Elena has been cured, Professor Aldo Milesi, President of the Rome Prize, Professor Anthony Paone, General Asl Rmc and Professor Eugenio Santoro, Vice Chairman of the Board of Health and Chairman of the Culture Committee of the XIII Municipio: Monica Picca.
Present at the presentation of the book two darlings of the public and great friends of Elena Carlini: Gigi D’Alessio e Anna Tatangelo.


“Le mie perle di plastica”
Intervista alla scrittrice Elena Carlini

di Paola Scacciavillani

“Non so bene in che modo…ma sono viva!” … è con questa significativa esclamazione che vorrei introdurvi Elena Carlini, la giovanissima e deliziosa Autrice del libro “Le mie perle di plastica”

Carissima Elena, sei giovanissima e a soli 22 anni ti è capitato di dover scrivere un libro per reagire ad una terribile realtà chiamata “linfoma di Hodgkin”, raccontaci…

all started in May 2009 when I was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system, Hodgkin's lymphoma in advanced stage. From that moment he immediately begins the ordeal of treatment, a first cycle of chemotherapy which will last 6 months, but relapsed lymphoma a few weeks after end of therapy and chemotherapy should intervene to "rescue" a very high dose chemotherapy, long hospital stays, immune suppression, bone marrow transplantation and radiotherapy.

is the reason for your statement ... "I do not know how, but I'm alive!" And you react to everything and begin to write a book ...

The book was the only way that I had to react, one way to pass the hours long and lonely isolation in a clean room. A book was born as the natural evolution of a long and difficult that I could not forget that on the contrary I had to vent, cry, despair ... I had somewhere to channel all the emotions and anger and fear, on its own, there I did the most to support them, so slowly, took shape in my book that is the library from December 15, 2010 and is already proving a success ..

What this book has meant to you, as well as being a great help to pass the time during the long and painful therapies?

published was also a way to tell everyone that it is difficult, but you have to endure and go forward, stand and move on, and believe that everything will end. One way to get around this, open to all, give it to everyone, and thus remove all the weight on me, my family, people that I have been close.

book How has this affected your relationship with the other patients?

For me it was a great help to talk with patients and former patients, to become friends, helped me feel less alone, it helped me to feel understood, and because I could see that healing is possible. I would like that my book would help those people who are sick themselves and feel alone, desperate, terrified.

fact is these people that you turn your thought full of love by dedicating the proceeds from the sale of this book AIL

Yes, my great wish is that donating to charity all the proceeds from the sale of the book the Italian Association of lymphoma, leukemia and myeloma, with my experience I can contribute financially to the research to eradicate this evil.

What is your mood now?

Now the euphoria of my literary debut has replaced fear, now there's my book, no more than my illness. It moves me greatly to think that my next book will attend the "Premio Roma" and I would like to express my warmest thanks to Prof. Aldo Milesi who is the President.

We wish the talented Elena a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness!

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Is The Cost Of A Headstone


on the allocation of funds for beach nourishment of the coast of Ostia and the achievement of the works of consolidation involved James Vizzani , President XIII City Hall.

"The Board and the Executive Polverini Alemanno in synergy between them have given positive solution to a problem, that at Ostia, in particular, had lasted several years and had not found adequate answers so far. In this large investment of local Capital Region of Lazio and Roma will need to match an absolute commitment of the managers for the future maintenance of the beach shores. "

The states Vizzani James, President XIII Municipio

Pikachu Hoodie With Ears And Tail

Something is breaking in Japan

Click EARTHQUAKES to view the page.

Greece, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Switzerland tremble.

Only one case of the volcanic tremor 'Etna is increased to' after the sudden shock of 8.9 in Japan?

But how do they remain composed and "civilized" after an epic disaster?
in line to pick up something useful for soprovvivere, discipline as they do is exemplary.
What is the difference of culture, way of living and "dying" to bear.
Nobody torn clothes, no one is stripping the head, no shouting and gesticulating, creates no mess, no one makes a barrel for a bottle of 'water or a slice of bread.
dignity, composure, education, patience.
Yet we live on the same planet, fragile speck of sand. Yuck!

Boner During Brazilian Wax

mobility on Christopher Columbus: a hostage to political demagoguery?

years there is much talk of Christopher Columbus and his evils: danger, constant congestion commuters to work, trap swimmers and residents in the summer.

solutions gradually proposals were so many, sometimes fanciful (remember the alternating one-way: all in one direction in the morning, all in the evening ...). Unfortunately, very few serious ones, and always with a very limited perspective.

Today we talk of subways and 'smooth flow of traffic' as the cure for all ills. Today I really want to ask these questions: "But how far do you think more then once the underpass and made the Colombo highway to eight lanes? How do you think you can go to the sea, our sea, with eight lanes that spew from Rome? How to Join the ring getting stuck? How to reach the EUR Mezzocamino once you are in? ". Rome, the GRA and the coast in the summer are already collapsing, unable to absorb other cars, and spend € 60 million (there are) to make the subways just to wait in line to go to work instead of it after a few kilometers to the various traffic lights Pindar Road, Route and Via di Acilia Malafede the morning and evening on the contrary, it seems to me vaguely useless, wasteful vengeance doubly crying because subservient to political interests. As well as having thousands of machines that are lined up on the new lanes on Sunday morning to reach Ostia in the summer, to be plundered by illegal parking attendants (as well as by the managers of the establishments) or to stab me a free place on a sidewalk or a pedestrian crossing and to make our region an unlivable hell of machines.

more so, now more than ever, money is missing, and no administration will mai in campo 60mln di euro per la Cristoforo Colombo, e chi lo dice lo fà con la coscienza di mentire, spesso con il solo scopo di sventolare la solita carota demagogica ed elettorale o, peggio ancora, come ottima scusa per deliberare nuove lucrose lottizzazioni negli interessi del costruttore di turno, migliaia di nuove abitazioni, varianti al Piano Regolatore magari in compensazione di aree che nulla hanno a che vedere con il nostro territorio: chi sa dove siano esattamente Monte Arsiccio e Tormarancia?? Sono le aree in compensazione per le quali poche settimane fa nel nostro Municipio nella seduta dell’11/12 Novembre 2010 si è approvato il cosiddetto progetto urbanistico “Infernetto” che, a fronte di previste opere set-off (including an underpass), given the precedents of dubious construction of the Terraces of the President and given the inability of the design of urban works (see bike path between Casalpalocco and Pinewood Castelfusano, planned in 2005, locked for months in the course of work for design errors), authorizing the processing of hundreds of acres of Infernetto, between Via Ferrari Via Cilea, from public parks and services building areas for residential use: other 270,000 cubic meters of concrete, nearly 1000 apartments in buildings of 4 floors, another 2000 cars on the road. And this in the name of 'mobility' . But as mobility? That Election to use, that teases us by saying that you can continue to go to work in Rome in the car with the growth rate of urbanization? To take the GRA and go from Rome to the sea on Sunday in a car park and expect to close an umbrella, for the happiness of four operators bathing and despair of those who live here and we can not even come close to the sea on foot? That destroys our quality of life, which devalues \u200b\u200bour homes because no alternative to the car?

Forget the beautiful designs from the driving school cars that speed through a long underpass empty instead of demagogy, the mobility of Christopher Columbus and for our region, è il momento di chiedere ai nostri amministratori e politici delle scelte non politiche, che forse non ripagano immediatamente in termini di voti, ma per una volta chiare, moderne, coraggiose e sostenibili, che sarebbero ovvie in tutte le capitali europee, oltre che realizzabili con un decimo di quanto richiederebbero gli interventi propagandati e non necessiterebbero di alcuna nuova cementificazione per essere finanziati:

• Un corridoio dedicato di trasporto pubblico e ciclabile sulla Cristoforo Colombo, da Ostia all’EUR, così come già previsto dal Piano Regolatore, che non ha bisogno di inutili e costosi sottopassi
• Parcheggi di scambio, nel cuore di Axa, Palocco, Infernetto (al Drive-in per esempio, o proprio dove si è autorizzato il nuovo progetto residenziale all’Infernetto) da dove far partire i mezzi pubblici
• Altre fermate della metro sulla Roma-Lido e treni più frequenti

• Uno studio serio dei flussi di traffico
• Stop alle varianti urbanistiche in favore del costruttore di turno ed agli insediamenti residenziali in compensazione di aree che nulla hanno a che vedere con il nostro territorio
• Limitazione del trasporto privato (meno auto in circolazione = maggiore vivibilità), zone 30km/h, rispetto delle elementari norme di circolazione
• Parcheggi a pagamento per i non residenti nel municipio sul lungomare per finanziare interventi di mobilità sostenibile (corsie preferenziali, marciapiedi, ciclabili, attraversamenti pedonali rialzati)
• Percorsi ciclabili per riprenderci un territorio a misura d’uomo e non
delle automobili (per poter raggiungere il nostro mare e la nostra pineta)

Perchè un trasporto pubblico su corsie dedicate, parcheggi di scambio, la ciclabilità sono le uniche risposte sensate e sostenibili ai problemi di mobilità del territorio ed all’assedio traffic.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Difference Grinder Blender

Patriot Digital lawyer! A girl named

In the first ten days of March, I must admit that the blog was a bit 'quiet! This is because my "life forensic" sometimes fills commitments that have little to do with my job but I feel I can not say no.
is the case of RisorgItalia . What is this? A ' idea, a desire , perhaps a' requirement dictated by the discomfort I feel every time I speak ill of my country. This has nothing to do with the myriad problems that afflict us in this period. We know we lawyers something else. But Italy and my "Italian" is a different matter and they are far from politics, economics, justice. I'm talking about
sense of belonging, of connection to the land where I was born and where I'm lucky to live. I speak of the sadness I feel when I see it mistreated and exploited as the pride I feel when I meet the creativity, warmth, sympathy, the depth of our experience, different and unique. You can not condemn a priori and in all circumstances a nation for the actions of those who represent it and forget it 's Italy is made by each of us, from landscapes breath that gives us, from cultural and artistic riches, from history, from the kitchen.
RisorgItalia created on the occasion of the celebration of March 17, 2011, a web space where anyone can leave a dedicated to Italy, a positive thinking about the future, a reflection on a people or, more simply, a declaration of love for our beautiful country! The aim is to stimulate a awakening, awareness, remembering those Italians who, after all, love Italy no matter what and not only when the Blues take the field! Two would be
i punti di partenza: un sentimento forte ed immutabile e la rete . Il primo è lo stimolo più giusto, il secondo è lo strumento migliore in questo momento. In fondo, come si può pensare di impegnarsi per migliorare qualcosa che non amiamo? Non smetterò mai di ripeterlo.
L’intuizione iniziale è stata di Massimo Melica il quale, però, ha da subito voluto che non si parlasse di una sua idea bensì di un’idea di tutti: non si tratta di un’invenzione particolare ma di un sentimento comune a molti che va semplicemente riscoperto. Lui, però, ha avuto il merito di dirla a voce alta e provare a diffonderla!
Così in pochissimi days, not even 2 weeks , has formed a group Digital Patriots "volunteers" who, motivated by a strong enthusiasm, have put their professional skills or simply their time to serve the project, were born on website , logos, fan page on Facebook, Twitter account and Youtube channel and slowly the idea is spreading, free of political overtones, conspiracy, commercial or other purposes.
do not know what will lead this project, if it is followed by a hundred or a thousand people, if you have a follow or not. So I'd really like it spread and that the site arricchisse dedications of new internet is exciting to read and which to depart, with the enthusiasm of those who decide not to surrender to the facts, not to recline on a negative attitude, defeatist and useless, but try to act and react.
That said, whatever will be the outcome of the initiative, which I find simple and solar, are extremely proud to be a part and have actively contributed, I'm happy to sacrifice a few nights and hours spent in the conference call with others involved - far but joined the network, but, above all, I'm happy because, on this occasion, I had confirmation of that wonderful people can be the Italian : people who have never seen before, with a different experience, focus and desire are so tired that, at two in the night, chatting and laughing like old friends, united by the ideals and feelings.

Licenza Creative Commons

Outside Motion Sensor Switch

XIII HALL: THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CULTURE a plaque to the writer Elena Carlini.

During the presentation of the book "My Pearls plastic, which was held this afternoon at the beach "Venice", Monica Pike, Chairman Committee on Culture Hall XIII gave the author of the book, Elena Carlini, a license plate recognition.

"I brought the greetings of President and CEO of Culture Vizzani Place - Monica said Picca, president and Culture Commission XIII Municipio-I gave this award to Elena for the lesson of life that gives us in these pages. A difficult experience, strong, hard, which marked the character and the formation of Helen, and to which the author of "My beads plastic reacted by instilling courage and optimism to all of us. Elena should be an example to many people because it is she, in her book, to tell you not to kill the face of difficulties. "

Present at the event, also the director of the XIII Municipio, Tonino Ricci.

Thank You For Sharing This Special Day


was presented this morning in the assembly room "Maximum Amount" at the XIII Town Hall project "Youth Apprenticeship", which consists of a program aimed at young people starting to work the territory between the ages of 18 and 25 years.

"It is - said Salvemme Stefano, President of Productive Activities Commission XIII Municipio-six to offer young graduates training schools the opportunity to conduct a training course, with the eventual possibility of being inserted into the body at some companies manufacturing community. tool for those who want to be known by a company being able to practice their skills. The period of apprenticeship, which lasts four months, provides a monthly rate charged to the administration. The notice of selection has already been published on the website of the XIII Municipio ( www.municipioroma13.it ), where you see how to participate. This project - concluded Salvemme - is partito dalla Commissione Attività Produttive ed ha accolto il parere favorevole della Giunta del XIII Municipio che si è subito attivata per far partire la macchina amministrativa".

"Ringrazio il Consigliere Salvemme e il Presidente Vizzani- ha fatto sapere Antonio Caliendo , Consigliere XIII Municipio- questo progetto è una grande possibilità per giovani e studenti, un primo passo verso un'efficace sinergia tra istituzioni, scolastiche, amministrative e imprenditoriali".

"Un segnale importante- ha dichiarato Giacomo Vizzani , Presidente XIII Municipio- che costituisce una risposta ad una delle piaghe del territorio, vale a dire la disoccupazione giovanile. Il progetto di avviamento a lavoro cerca da fare da collante tra il mondo della scuola e quello del lavoro e per questo abbiamo aderito subito, trovando anche la disponibilità delle associazioni sindacali di categoria".

Presenti in aula anche l'Ascom Confcommercio Roma Litorale, il Consorzio Nazionale Artigianato Roma Litorale e la FederLazio, oltre ai rappresentanti di alcuni istituti professionali.

Poptropica Hidden Costumes


Siamo lieti di presentare una nuova realtà commerciale all'Infernetto...

... and if you present as friends of the Cultural Infernetto and Surroundings, will be reserved for special treatment.

Ap Bio Lag 5 Cellular Respiration

Italian Red Cross, call unblocking Airway Interactive Lesson - free participation


Questo evento nasce dalla sentita esigenza di diffondere le linee guida sulla disostruzione pediatrica and ancillary operations of pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation associated with them.

Every year in Italy there are 50 families destroyed by a tragedy without borders: 50 children are killed by suffocation by foreign bodies (27% of accidental deaths data for 2007-SIP Company 'Italian Pediatrics) not only for the "foreign body" accidentally taking (rubber balls, ham, salad, marshmallows, games etc etc ...), but above because 'carers in the first dramatic moments are usually NOT "format" to these operations and generate disastrous consequences.

not knowing generates errors : Take your feet for a child who is blocked, or worse still, put your fingers in your mouth, are the first two things that are made by the rescuer occasional unprepared ... and that usually causes the death of the child.

Il dott. Marco Squicciarini, un medico volontario della Croce Rossa Italiana, sta facendo da tempo attività di divulgazione sulle manovre di disostruzione per bamibini in età pediatrica (0-15 anni), per liberare le vie aeree di neonati e bambini in caso di soffocamento.

Fa riflettere sapere che da quando il dott. Squicciarini ha iniziato a fare questi incontri, che lui chiama “lezioni interattive”, si sono salvati più of 40 children only due to the fact that their parents had attended his lectures. So what to do?

BOOKED now: DRIVEN INTERACTIVE LESSON unblocking PEDIATRIC, March 14, 2011 starting at 17 hours at 19 School Theater WA Mozart Street Castelporziano 516-00124 Infernetto Rome.

Participation is FREE and will be released a DVD, a manual and certificate of participation.

The meeting is open to all. The best targets are moms, dads, grandparents, school teachers, teachers in sports centers, baby sitters, teachers and anyone who has to do with babies!

Registration and 'compulsory and can be made via email to v.gagliardi @ soschild.org or via S MS number 3385051390

PASSAPAROLA .... worth a life ....

If you think your child's school, gymnasium, medical center can be available to go where you can post it to us or request a copy or make you a print. The important thing is that we will do as much as possible to spread the news of the meeting to allow more people to participate.

For further information please contact 3385051390

We take this opportunity to inform you that the registrations are open for the course that the Cross Italian Red plays in small groups. The Course Age Pediatric Airway Maneuvers unblocking a duration of 5 hours, divided into 1 hour of theory and 4 hours of practice on a dummy in children. At the end of the course will receive a certificate with a validity of 2 years.
the course date will be established as soon as you reach the minimum number of participants.
Those interested can make a free pre-registration in the secretary on 14/03/2011.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Green Soap Diute Tattoo

with Paola Scacciavillani ... to discover the magnificent

trip to discover the famous "Vesuvian Villas" ... the magnificent stately mansions between Vesuvius and the sea ... and the genius of Campolieto Villa Luigi Vanvitelli. ..

Sunday, March 20 ....

... .. Since ancient times, the strip of land at the foot of Vesuvius has always been a very popular residential area of \u200b\u200bthe nobility and the sites we'll visit a demonstration. Outside the walls of Pompeii and Herculaneum were built a myriad of Roman villas, scattered throughout the countryside Vesuvian villas for use both as a purely residential dwellings and "otium" is as flourishing farms. The area was all the rage for several centuries in the 700 so much that there are about 120, all aristocratic homes, most of whom are now in a state of decay. Fortunately, some villas have been carefully restored by the Board for the Vesuvian Villas, in order to mend the fabric of the territorial area of \u200b\u200bHerculaneum, where you can find most of these villas. Campolieto In 1977 the Villa was purchased by the Board for the Vesuvian Villas and has been fully restored, restored and opened to the public as well to serve the community. The history of this magnificent home starts in 1755 when Luzio de Sangro, Duke and Prince of Casacalenda Campolieto, he commissioned a Mario Gioffredo to design "the most noble casino" between the villas of the Golden Mile. The work, due to the terrible eruption of Vesuvius in 1758, lasted for two decades and was completed by Luigi Vanvitelli that the Duke had got to know and appreciate.

After the visit to Villa Campolieto visit the 'Antiquarium Boscoreale and Villa Oplontis.

Men and territory, are the topics covered in the small museum that Boscoreale arranged according to the criteria of modern museology, offers us a glimpse of daily life of 2000 years ago. Visit then the least known and little visited Villa Oplontis, also buried by the eruption in 79 AD, this house shows a good example of a noble house in the countryside and Vesuvius seems to have been the property of Poppea, the wife of Emperor Nero. Oplontis, although a lesser known site, with beautiful frescos wonderfully preserved and restored with the current retention policy since the discovery of this extraordinary site occurred only in 1964.

discover, also, during this trip today, as then, the landscape still plays a major role


at 6.45 am departure from Metro Drive In (Casalpalocco)
at 7.oo starting from Eur Fermi (meet at the corner of Via Cristoforo Colombo)

trip price includes coach round trip, car, guide services, entrance to the Villas Campolieto, Villa Oplontis Antiquarium Boscoreale and lunch at the restaurant, = € 55

To book write e-mail to: infoacanto@gmail.com
or sms to 339 5467212


Sample Of Disconnectionletter

The Vesuvius Villas within walking distance from you KNOW

The Educational Centre "Giacomo Leopardi" - Centro Studi To Bottom of the Division Courses - Infernetto this district for several years, is eager to make available to the Town Hall XIII the following services:

-Recovery School Years;

-Reps Private;

-Preparing for university exams;

-registration degree courses in e-learning;

-certified courses in English and Informatica.

The MISSION the Educational Centre is to:

-create a learning environment where students can fully develop their potential intellectual, ethical and human

-cultural training and education provide complete, timely, integrated and coherent

-form the person as a citizen and as a future professional;

-promoting human and social training of the local residents, offering a varied range of teaching suitable for any age.

The Educational Centre also offers you an effective support for families of young students who were finding difficulty in specific subjects, they need to acquire an effective and efficient method of study .

Those who come to us know that they can benefit from a pool of highly qualified teachers, flexible schedules in order to meet the needs of learners, also available for lessons at home.

Visit us!

We are open every day from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00.

We are in Via Gaetano Luporini 32/34 - Loc Infernetto.

Dr. Veronica Agus

Responsible Curriculum and Commercial

Tel 06/50930590

Fax 06/83394117

Dr. Veronica Agus

Resp Polo EFI Ostia

Tel 06.50930590

Cel . 366.6557592

veronica.agus @ ostia.poloefi.com

Free Ringtones For Sprint Any Any Age

with Paola Scacciavillani ... carnival

A hundred children in form for the celebration of Carnival in Elderly Centre "The Submarine"

Saturday, March 5 invasion of children in a colorful mask animated the premises of the Social Centre for the Elderly "The Submarine", a hundred children, parents and grandparents for the most beautiful carnival hall of the thirteenth!
The festival was proposed and organized by the "future cooperation" with partners "Cooperative Saints Peter and Paul" Villa Maraini and within the activities of the "Versus" which is currently celebrating the two and a half years of collaboration with families and institutions, with assets of intervention and support to children and adolescents in the territory of Ostia Ponente.

Un importante anniversario anche per la Cooperativa Futura onlus che quest'anno festeggia i trenta anni di attività sul territorio di Ostia, con persone diversamente abili e attiva da quindici con interventi sui giovani e bambini, partecipando così, con le altre strutture e istituzioni, alla cerescita del quartiere e al sostegno delle famiglie.

La festa di Carnevale che si è svolta al centro "Il Sommergibile" è stata animata dal Centro di aggregazione "Tana libera tutti" con lo speciale truccabimbi che, in pochi minuti, ha truccato il viso dei bambini e delle bambine trasformandoli nei personaggi delle fiabe.

At the party was also attended by the Theatre Company "The drawer in the Dream" of Pomezia with the show "In Search of Lost Song" that face these children interact playfully with what was represented.

snack with a lot of smoothies, sandwiches and delicious cakes, carnival and then at the end of the show ... all on the floor to dance with the music of Sergio Giancatterini ... A wonderful evening of celebration for adults and children!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wainscoting Bathroom Images

news from the library

hoping to make something pleasant, I remember the events planned at the library in the coming days:
Tuesday, March 8, 17.30
The art of women. From the Renaissance to Surrealism
conference by Emilia Capparelli, an art historian and president of the Cultural Zeuxis
Friday, March 11, 21:00
in the film festival "La Storia siamo noi", screening of the film My Brother is an Only Child by Daniele Luchetti (2007)
Valeria Bersacchi
biblioteca Sandro Onofri
via Umberto Lilloni, 39/45
tel. 0645460643-44

Crochet Pattern For Waffle Headband


Grande successo di pubblico per la quinta edizione del CarnevalOstia, che si è svolta ieri per le strade principali del lido. La manifestazione, organizzata dall'Associazione Tor San Michele, è stata seguita da bambini e famiglie che hanno sfilato dietro i sei carri allestiti per l'occasione.

"open with the parade - said Maurizio De Lucia , President of Tor San Michele - was the folk music group" The Frustica "which arrived at Ostia with Faleria seventy elements, including instrument players wind instrument players and characteristic. An international curriculum for this band that has performed well overseas: from New York, during Columbus Day, Nice, Lyon and then Spain and Germany. After that, then, the six wagons King of Carnival, the cartoon heroes, the children's home where many have gone to dance and throw confetti. In conclusion, the performance of Brazilian dancers and masks most of the awards belle alla presenza dell'Assessore del XIII Municipio, Amerigo Olive".

"E' stato un pomeriggio di festa per le strade di Ostia- ha aggiunto Amerigo Olive , Assessore XIII Municipio- i carri hanno sfilato, toccando il centro cittadino da Piazza della Stazione Vecchia, a via Orazio della Sbirro, passando per via delle Baleniere e arrivando in viale delle Repubbliche Marinare, dove è stato un tripudio di musica e colori. La stessa atmosfera che si è respirata nella giornata di sabato ad Ostia Antica, dove si è svolto un'altra parata di carri. L'affluenza è stata notevole, la gente si è riversata in strada per festeggiare e passare un momento di allegria e spensieratezza. Questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto e siamo ancora più contenti di aver supportato questa quinta edizione del CarnevalOstia".

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"Solidarity and Art at the Villa Glori"

A Roma, il 13 marzo 2011, un incontro pubblico all’insegna della solidarietà e del volontariato

Si terrà a Roma, il 13 marzo 2011 con inizio alle ore 16.00, presso il Teatro della Casa Famiglia di Villa Glori, un incontro all’insegna della solidarietà, del volontariato, dell’arte, dello spettacolo e della cultura, organizzato dall’associazione Over 40 ATDAL social promotion in cooperation with, amongst others, the International Foundation Don Luigi Di Liegro non-profit organization.

The initiative is the first program of events ATDAL Over 40 dedicated to the European Year of Volunteers, and will be an opportunity to give visibility to the interventions made by non-profit organizations, NGOs and other organizations involved in the field of social solidarity .

The event is dedicated to the memory of Luciano Penna, voluntary ATDAL Over 40 died prematurely, one of the most dedicated support to the unemployed and those most in need and will be accompanied by performances of musical groups and the reading of poems and songs works literature.

For more information visit the web www.atdal.eu

Friday, March 4, 2011

Home Made Noise Makers


From the "New Journal of Ostia" today, March 4, 2011.

With reference to recent events that took place in 302 CD (note: Didactic), acting as class representative and a parent of two children attending this school I feel to share and fully support the action taken by parents and advisers, in particular, the words of Rosa Maria Marchetti. Sincere words and dictated by the heart.

With other representatives had already perceived this lack of transparency and information that over time has created a total disconnect between the school and parents. For this with representatives (a total of 48 are), we created an information network to figure out together how to improve things.

Just today we submitted a request to the manager of a meeting for parents to establish a committee, that being a body recognized under the law, will allow us to participate actively and democratically in school governance.

We hope that the executive accept our request to build together a better school for our children.

Katia Guercini

Does Lala Have A Weave?


was held this morning a technical meeting on the future implementation of the second kindergarten in the district Saline Ostia Antica.

"it was impossible to build on a Ducati Pericles because of the presence of archaeological structures- explained Amerigo Olive, Minister of Public Works XIII Municipio-together with the Consortium of Self-recovery of Saline and technicians of the Department XII we decided to implement it on a Orioli close to another mother, also in progress . A shared decision, also to speed up bureaucratic procedures. With this new school, "concluded Amerigo Olive - give a concrete response to the emergence of waiting lists for nursery schools in a district where population growth is sharply increasing.

" E 'important - added Lodovico Pace, Alderman Hall-XIII School for families XIII Municipio have identified an area in a short time to build an alternative kindergarten. This initiative will give the opportunity to have 150 places for children in the area. We trust that the responsible departments, designers and companies that will implement the project comply with the programs to ensure that facilities are available within a reasonable time. "

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Comercial With Rotel


A delegation of students from technical and professional Toscanelli Ostia visited yesterday morning at the Department Redevelopment for the suburbs of Rome, the capital. Two classes of fourth-and fifth top surveyors met with the technicians of the Department that they have taken a lesson on place names, district contracts and works with partitions. To accompany the students, teachers Briganti, boats and Subiolo. Salvatore also Place, parent PDL XIII Municipio, who delivered to teachers and pupils the diary, wanted the Councillor with special responsibility on the outskirts of the capital Rome, Fabrizio Gera, entirely dedicated to the development of Garbatella.

"It 's been a fruitful day of study, said Salvatore Place, Parent PDL-Municipio XIII students were able to learn effectively le nozioni che studiano sui manuali di scuola e hanno visto da vicino il lavoro di ingegneri, architetti e geometri che operano sul campo. Saranno loro i geometri di oggi e i professionisti di domani a dover confrontarsi con queste realtà. Notevole l'interesse dimostrato, soprattutto quando si è parlato del Borghetto dei Pescatori, zona a loro molto cara. A concludere il tour, una visita agli uffici e il mio personale in bocca al lupo per il loro futuro".

"È stato un incontro importante che ha permesso di avvicinare il mondo della formazione a quello di una realtà complessa come il Comune di Roma, nella fattispecie con il Dipartimento alle Periferie di Roma Capitale" – dichiara in una nota Councillor for Public Works and Suburbs Fabrizio Ghera . "I thank the municipal technicians who have shown, through the help of new tools, projects underway and in planning the Capitoline Administration has developed and is being developed to revitalize the Roman suburbs" - concludes Gera.

New White Bump On Goldfish


After the first two complaints from parents (see: SCHOOL: PARENTS PROTEST e SCUOLA: LE PROTESTE DEI GENITORI (secondo atto) ), come a confermare il famoso detto "non c'è due senza tre", eccoci arrivati al terzo atto.

Vedi l'articolo di questa mattina, giovedì 3 marzo 2011, de "il Nuovo Giornale di Ostia".

My Dog Has A Skin Tag In His Lip


was held this morning in the assembly room "Maximum Amount" at the XIII Municipio presentation of the project "Healthy young non-action." To take part in Vizzani James, President XIII Municipio, Lodovico Pace , Municipal Councillor for Social Policies XIII, the CGL unions, Csil, UGL and representatives of schools, "Amendola-Guttuso" and "Mozart."

"-is explained Lodovico Pace , Municipal Councillor for Social Policies XIII-a project that aims, through various channels, to make the integration of nationals stranieri nel tessuto sociale del territorio. Tra le azioni che saranno portate avanti ci sarà il coinvolgimento delle parrocchie e delle associazioni di volontariato; la realizzazione di incontri per i minori e il loro inserimento in attività extradidattiche; e l'istituzione di due sportelli informativi che saranno disponibili presso le scuole "Amendola-Guttuso" e "Mozart", sportelli che avranno un ruolo di advocacy, vale a dire offrire consulenze sui diritti e dover dei cittadini stranieri".

"I nostri Servizi Sociali – ha aggiunto Giacomo Vizzani , Presidente XIII Municipio- si confermano tra i più funzionali e rappresentano un'eccellenza of this administration, with lots of ISO 9000 certification. The purpose of this administration is to work on integration, taking paths of progress and growth of common and shared. Foreign nationals must be for all an asset and not a burden. "

Also present were representatives of the Consortium and the counselor Ass.For.SEO Francesco Spano which underlined the importance of thanking the Department of Social Services and the offices in charge.

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Association Tor San Michele has 2 Ostia Carnival 2011 for days 5 and 6 March in via the Maritime Republics with a parade of floats and bands. The event is organized with the support of the City of Rome under the patronage of the Municipality XIII.

"After the great success of last year - said it Maurizio de Lucia, President of the Tor San Michele 2 - we are pleased to propose Carnival 2011 in shopping areas in the garden of Ostia and Simone Renou. Our proposals are aimed at reinforcing the Italian traditions and tend to aggregate and retrieve the values \u200b\u200bof friendship, of which at a time like this there is more need than ever ".

" We are delighted to have sponsored this event - said Amerigo Olive , Councillor XIII Municipio-because we are convinced that the carnival at Ostia is a great festival that takes place not only on the waterfront but also in other ways land still important. Just as we welcome the holding of another parade of floats in Ostia Antica, where on Saturday, thanks to the association FOA, was organized an afternoon of fun in joy, dancing and music. Both events aim to provide days of fun in the audience, the elderly but also children who go and live in our area, dressed in traditional clothes and parading behind the carnival floats.

Here, the program CarnevalOstia on Saturday 5 and Sunday, March 6:


On March 5 from 15:00 to 18:30 meeting and masks for adults and children and dance with DJ FRANKIE and animation.

On March 6 meeting at Old Station Square at 14:30, you will start to withdraw from Corso Duca di Genova, Via Orazio of the cop, because of whaling, via the Cape Verde Islands, off the yachts, because of the gondolas, the Piazza Santa Monica, Via delle Sirene, Corso Duca di Genova and ends at Avenue of the Maritime Republics accompanied by a band and folk group of Faleria "The Frustica" of Maestro Sergio Belardi, Japanimation with the show Cosplay but especially with our floats.

to the Giardini Simone Renou at 17:30 where we expect inflatables, puppet theater and then the dancing, entertainment, fashion shows for children and adults in costume. The event will end at 18:30 with the awarding of the most beautiful masks with plaques. The Association invited her to numerous possibilities in form.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

John Hull, Futures And Options Market


The choice of name be attributed to his son, for a parent, a great responsibility. The decision in most cases, be affected by many factors: family traditions, memories, important anniversaries e, perchè no, voglia di non ricorrere al solito nome banale o inflazionato.
Il rischio è quello di dimenticare un punto focale: si sta disponendo di un diritto altrui , quello ad avere un nome che non sia ridicolo, vergognoso o che, comunque, non possa creare nocumento nella vita di relazioni del bambino.
Prendendo spunto dai recenti casi di cronaca, ho scritto un breve articolo pubblicato sul giornale di informazione giuridica LeggiOggi .
Di seguito un breve accenno.
È di pochissimi giorni fa la notizia della nascita in Egitto di una bambina a cui è stato dato il nome Facebook.
Chi ha seguito le cronache di questi ultimi mesi, sa che la scelta dei genitori è stata dettata da un senso di forte gratitudine nei confronti del social network che si ritiene abbia avuto un ruolo cruciale nella rivolta culminata nelle dimissioni del presidente Hosni Mubarak.
Sarebbe stato possibile, in Italia, imporre un nome del genere ad un bambino? La risposta è no. Due i casi più eclatanti degli ultimi tempi: uno, più recente, che si è occupato di una bambina registrata all’anagrafe con il nome di Andrea e, l’altro, che ha visto coinvolto Venerdì, bambino nato a Genova.
Entrambe le vicende, seppur di molto differenti, si sono concluse con un decreto di rettifica del nome: Andrea è stato modificato in Giulia Andrea e Venerdì in Gregorio Magno.
Il seguito potete leggerlo qui ! 

Cervical Polyp Removal


Con riferimento alle recenti notizie diffuse da alcuni media circa la mancata manutenzione/sostituzione della caldaia del centro anziani di Ostia Antica, il Municipio XIII chiarisce quanto segue:

- L'impianto in questione è stato sempre gestito direttamente dal centro anziani e non è in carico al competente Dipartimento per lo Sviluppo delle Infrastrutture del Comune di Roma;

- offices of the Municipality XIII, no sooner had the statement on 13 January by the president of the senior citizens center, you are immediately activated by the NYPD and, due to lack of funds pending approval of the municipal budget, the General Accounting for the additional funding needed to finance the work;

- Completed all the bureaucratic and administrative intervention will be made as to jurisdiction, the Department of Infrastructure Development within the first day of the next week.