Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Matteotti whom?

Il consigliere regionale Gianluca Rinaldin ha paragonato Dell'Utri a  Matteotti: «Oggi come allora è mancata la democrazia».
Detto che è impossibile che parli di Giacomo Matteotti , che fu rapito e ucciso da squadristi per le sue denunce del fascismo cerchiamo di capire chi sia il vero termine di paragone.
Marcello Matteotti  ( Palermo ,  11 settembre   1901 ) .  Stretto collaboratore di Benito Mussolini sin dagli  anni t renta, socio nel Popolo d'Italia  e dirigente  d e Fasci Italiani di combattimento nel  1921  fondò con lui il partito nazionale fascista. È stato condannato in appello a 7 anni per  collusion with the Mafia-type after his pizzino intercetttato demonstrated its beneficial fequentazioni O'Breve with Toto, and Carmelo O'Nimale Ciccio lu Ripper. It seems that despite the powerful friends of his wife prevented him from speaking.
Piersilvio Matteotti ( Palermo, September 11 1931). close associate of Giulio Andreotti years since the fifties, a partner in Banca Privata Italiana di Michele Sindona  ha patteggiato la pena di due anni e tre mesi di reclusione per false fatture e  frode fiscale  nell'ambito della gestione di una rivendita di arancini.  Denunciato da pentiti organizzò un complotto con falsi penti che a loro volta denunciarono pentiti veri che però parlavano di falsi denuncianti gli fu impedito di parlare dalla Corte d'Appello mentre cercava alla lavagna di spiegare le sue denunce.
Pierino Matteotti  ( Palermo ,  11 settembre   1981). close collaborator of 'omission' from the early years of the new century, a partner in a shore of the lake is on trial for plots between finance and the Camorra is not better clarified. Failed twice to maturity, he was prevented from speaking when presented himself for the third time he based his thesis on five manuscripts, diaries by Benito Mussolini, where presumably they testified that the Duce was actually a mild ascetic and the racial laws were promulgated by an agent provocateur of the KGB friend of Hitler who wanted to eliminate from the board of the statesmen in the world his only real contender. Currently Peter has founded a current strength of Italy, the liberaldemocattolicissimi but they are a minority inside the party. c

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shock (a Dell'Utri)

I do not write from a life on this blog, so my head engineer wants from some premises.
are not common. Nor are fascist. I have always voted
center and left, without extremism, I'm one of those foaming at the mouth Sgarbi called 'cattocomunisti', simply a Catholic who thinks that if the primary sacrament of his faith is called Communion, there must be a reason .

said, I read that yesterday the Senator Dell'Utri was to present the alleged diaries of Mussolini in his possession Parolario , one of the largest cultural festivals in the province of Como, and some hundreds of people have stopped him.
I am deeply democratic and even let them talk Ahmadinejad that Dell'Utri is a little worse, but I think the main mistake was not the protest, but the decision to invite such a controversial character in a review so important.
The civil protest against the presentation of this character is a democratic right as that of the senator to speak and when two are likely to deny freedom to each other the right to be preserved majorities. Piazza Cavour in the most obviously did not want to see Dell'Utri even a postcard.
not want to replace the judiciary, but I think that a double sentence for collusion with the Mafia and other reduced sentences are not a driver of excellence. It is a cultural event would showcase the deserving and not the "not yet definitively condemned."
not even want to replace a popular history, but if the majority of people deemed a hoax diaries in the hands of Senator CDo I do it for political obstinacy.
why I believe the invitation unworthy. And while the unworthy
limited violence that has taken Senator.
Our country has certainly noble words from a stage to settle than those Dell'Utri (or those of former terrorists as Negroes or Fioravanti, as bandits or Vallanzasca Crown so as not to pass as a political censor)
Some people deserve laughs when they try to sell their junk and some intellectual shove instead merely legitimize them.
A different discourse on the mafia. A healthy opposition, shattering in its rejection of violence, more pro and con and a supporter of the judiciary who is doing his duty despite the political interference and the nominations shield is a must civile, non un atteggiamento da ultras.