Friday, December 31, 2010

Denise Milani Similar To

Volleball Spandex Camel Toe

Cut innovation ...

Da ieri sera circola in rete la notizia che Stefano Aprile , direttore generale del automated information systems department for the Ministry of Justice , December 29 last was sent to the presidents of the Courts of Appeals and state attorneys general, a directive that left you speechless.
Apparently, compared to a cutting funds, the Director-General, by virtue of its budgetary autonomy, it decided to sacrifice the Technical Support that private firms provide in case of malfunction of the software used by prosecutors, police, judges and lawyers (the source here ).
Although he tried to find online the official text of comunicazione, non sono riuscita a leggerla nella sua interezza. Singolare, però, che tra le pagine del sito internet del Ministero della Giustizia, campeggi l’ ultima direttiva pubblicata , risalente ad appena 5 giorni prima dell’ultima che ha provocato tanto scalpore, e che sembra far pensare ad una forte propensione del Ministero della Giustizia all’informatizzazione e all’innovazione, in quanto dà indicazioni sull’ Attuazione del SIPPI (Sistema Informativo Prefetture e Procure dell’Italia) relativo alla banca dati dei beni sequestrati e confiscati.
Precisando, ancora, di non aver potuto leggere la direttiva completa, da quello che ho potuto percepire, gli effetti cuts will not be immediate. The problems, surely, will occur before the first failure that without assistance, it will block the work of the courts. I believe that this perspective is even worse because the block, slow, inconvenient - definitelo as you like - may occur without notice at any time, creating a panic.
While waiting for more precise information, if you have available the text of the Directive, published a comment or send me an email . Thanks!

Licenza Creative Commons

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Send Off Party Invitation

to you remains the "vocation", the others have tourism! MERRY CHRISTMAS

cloudless 10 days, 10 days without the usual "complaints", 10 days of real tourism.


Monday, December 27, 2010

South Park What Channel Star Choice

It 's always nice surprise.
It happened again at Christmas and this is just one of my fortunes.
Although I'm selfish I try to share it. It
dinner and a couple of friends the next sub-program nights to be spent to accommodate the homeless. Far from boasting about, that would be chic to do on Christmas Eve, they are flushed out by a mom who ironically chatterbox them brings up jokingly lamented the fate of his son 'ended up sleeping with the homeless'. While most of those present at the dinner did not even know what they talk about and wonder about what it means to the strange name of the blessed to which it is entitled to the shelter once again I do the fool for underestimating those I meet. Then comes lunch at
family. And gifts. Da Mo is not a child and I do not wrap the packages, but as ever this year, the desire to make a true gift was withdrawn along with colored tassels. And I was moved even though they are increasingly bear and you see less and less. I delegate to the emotional explosions that Sonia is largely my part.
So I find myself contemplating the good fortune to be able to surprise each day in front of a life that is not always easy, but it is always wonderful.
Greetings to everyone, especially those who have not yet figured out what it's worth.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Unable To Prepare Game Executable Bejeweled 2

Come tutti gli anni, anch' io non perdo l' occasione "inutile" di augurare un Buon Natale ad amici e nemici, laureati e barboni, malati e sani, con il punteruolo rosso nel cervello e senza (punteruolo e/o cervello).

Non cambierá nulla, neanche i buoni propositi annuali, chi sguazza nella merda ci rimarrá, chi riesce a tenere la testa al di sopra, anche.

Insomma, fate ció che cacchio volete e continuate a sperare nel nulla !

Pippo Caminiti

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Much Does A Ceragem Bed Cost?

matter of taste .....

..... the 'art of ass licking :-)

There who likes and who likes high-low , right or left, with or without hair, or tooth juicy ass is .... always!

W the "journalism" without pants :-)

PS: With the cold weather arrives, the licking will do much more pleasure, it will seem a "meringue": - )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Title Insurance 2010 Rates In Texas

T 'is like? Tenitilla

Sample Complaint Medical Malpractice

:-) Goodbye dreams of glory, giacumina, Dick, and Harry bloke :-)

But at home there waiting for anyone??

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Make Your Own Wwe Character

Endless ....... they think :-)

Furci endless!

Dedicated to .................... the patch without end!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Need A White Dress For Rush

Via IV Novembre, Via Nazionale, SS114, Via del patching routine.

149th anniversary of 'national unity and the Armed Forces Day.

Click on photo to enlarge

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wild Thornberrys Game Wildlife Rescue Game

It 's time to take urgent action! Posters and related

Ends with current priority of my article 'last year.

The suburban park, the auditorium, the patches, unci the senses, the cemetery, the smoke in my eyes ..... are second, third, fourth .... importance protected the lives and property of citizens!

By reviewing and re-read my article last year 's clicking HERE

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cogat Sample Test Online

After a brief internet search on the rules and laws on 'posters on public spaces, I must sadly note that all Italian municipalities have their own laws, ordinances and regulations.
there is a common denominator, that of 'set, all the rest "in italics comunem chaos."
In any case, the tear is allowed menifesti an act punishable by Justice.
Here's the poster in question (note the letters of the City of Furci top right).
Click to enlarge.

I hope you all enjoy!

Pippo Caminiti

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nitrous Oxide Whipppets

Tonight we move from 'daylight saving time to the "illegal" :-) Bello

not forget to bring the clocks a 'back now!
An 'hours of sleep :-)

How To Schedule Business Objects

this aphorism

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When To Use Sc And Sk

:-) I prefer to live and die 'foreign

An Italian is killed every three days on the ward for errors or disorganization. The worst in Calabria and Sicily.

Click HERE for the full 'article.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What To Say When Preferring Cash Gifts

Why do not write or very rarely?

Here is what I call some of my 9 (nine) players.

What 's to write? Bring the usual nonsense? To this "onerous" job "scoop-and" there are other sites!?! "Billionaires".
Furci really do not interest me (more) Furci did not want to change "for the better," Furci to recycle everything at 'outwards on rubbish.
Murali, moles, patches, gallinae, cry and pee pee, recycled riffs, chronic lack of funds, deep gorges, evil tongues, eyes hidden illiterate writers, would-be photographers, everyone is talking without saying anything, no one shows his face, even the back, complaints, complaints, and complainants querulanti, asphyxiating, fragrant and smelly but puzzoveloci.
Too "..... ORI, professors, doctors, masters, directors, mischief, my lord, assessors workers, voters .....

then I leave the 'arduous task of "scoop" to other ..."..... ORI ", so the truth will NEVER be published, the most modified, cut, stitched, patched, stirred, withdrawn, fried ....... as the 'air we breathe in this place a tourist destination, I would say to "self-defeating vocation," a place where there are more ways to "escape" in that' entire universe known to us.

Sincerely and ... after me the deluge!!

Pippo Caminiti

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Who Does Lala's Weave

amount of rain in Furci

From hours of 14:00 17:10:10 at 14:00 of 18:10:10 = 24 hours, fell on Furci 24.30 liters / m² of rain.

Start time 14:00 of 16:10:10 at 14:00 of 17:10:10 = 24 hours, fell on Furci 19.14 liters / m² rain .

This is a new service Furciblog for loyal readers.

This service will be daily, excluding contingencies and my long absences.

Pippo Caminiti

Here the link where you will find "How to Build a rain gauge manual":

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Calories In Skirt Steak

Other wall!

Click on photo to enlarge

But "the country's attention," who is?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Octopus Tattoo Genitalia

Furci like Venice?

Everything crumbles and falls like the old cornices.

Dr. Giampaolo Briguglio leave the boat (the ship has long since sunk).
"insider" knows the "gear" and then nothing to blame.
Who's next?

Too many poisons, igiurie, complaints, lawsuits, murals, oral, bestial.
It all started badly and will end worse.
But that's how you govern a 'fold with 3,500 units?

advantage of the space that I allowed myself to thank motorists who just happens when it rains and the roads turn into streams, have a malicious pleasure of using the 'aquaplaning as showers, regardless of the discomfort they cause to pedestrians and shop owners, thanks for showing the 'incivility that there is congenital and congenial.

Bypass, bypass the much-vaunted have not had anything ripped manholes, asphalt swollen, impassable roads, gli unici bypass che tengono, sono i miei 5 (Made in Germany).

Per i Consiglieri Provinciali in cerca di fama :
Il maltempo di oggi avrá probabilmente (purtroppo) provocato danni, documentate TUTTO anche fotograficamente e speditelo direttamente al Presidente dei Ministri, invece di "cianciri curcio" alla Provincia o Regione e tanto meno ai Vostri (padroni), provate direttamente, vedremo cosa accadrá.

Bypassato, schifato, incazzato............come sempre....
Pippo Caminiti

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Red Velvet Cakes Toronto

Bodies disinformation

Il documento trafugato, del quale si legge in un sito "molto ma molto vicino all' attuale Ammistrazione", non é giunto QUALCHE GIORNO FA ma é stato -9 sent from Palermo in July 2010. Admission and calculated the slowness of the Italian, not that the documents have arrived at their destination a few days ago because the items (stolen) in my possession, dating from more than 20 days ago.
The documents are addressed to Mr. Mayor, the President of the Municipal Council of the City of Furci (not the Commissioner ad acta) and for information to the Auditor of the City of Furci Siculus.

In its letter of 21 August 2008 sent a little to all relevant bodies, is required by the Commissioner ad acta Mr. Mayor.

In my humble opinion, and while being all 'obscure "tangling" legal, A copy of the reply of the Court of Auditors would have to go all 'ex-prime minister because of the facts Conscenza person and author of certain facts, it seems,' s ex-prime minister has not even received the news of the response.

So I had to print some and wish you good hunting moles (which are somewhat blind) but wonderfully rummage the drawers (unattended).

What the law says, what people say lawyers and experts?

Pippo Caminiti

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Prevent Mold In Sonicare

Weather: Civil Defence, Sicily weather alert

Read the article by clicking on ANSA

Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Do You Wear For Wrestling

Dear fellow citizens ........

covered ... or unruly, I turn to those who possess a few trees in the garden of LAUREL, hide it properly, the surviving members of the 'current administration furcese desperately want a fair amount of leaves of the aforementioned tree to crown their enormous heads (heads). How
were good in just a few months have bridged the chasm left by 'the previous administration, Furci shines as never before (at' dawn with golden reflections), all thanks to the magic and good will of the Almighty.

miracle, we as leaders of the shamans, a little WooDoo, a few drops of blood of chicken, the closing documents in a drawer, one or two carcasses of bats, a 'good witch, some magic formula in a moonless night e. ................. everything can be fixed, we expect a period of' gold!

There remains covering the head (head) of ash, lay carpets, move towards (Via Roma) and cheer on these divine temple where living creatures are capable of giving us so much prosperity and happiness in the blink of an eye.

struck by the magical events .............

Pippo Caminiti

Friday, October 8, 2010

Desired Pay On Application

landslides, which is why we are at risk

Versione stampabile Invia a un amico
Franco Ortolani * Peppe Caridi **
COMMENTS. Sicily, Campania and Liguria are only the last regions where extreme weather events have occurred which have affected the area has caused damage and casualties. And the civil protection system is not yet effective.

On October of last year's catastrophic landslide events of Messina, Ionian, they emphasized the fragility of coastal settlements in Sicily. On 10 November 2009 and September 9, 2010 Casamicciola Atrani, in Campania, nature has dealt a blow to two well-known havens "of luxury holiday. Few days ago (October 4) have been hit and badly damaged again densely urbanized areas of the Ligurian coast. Forty victims, caused by a total of catastrophic events mentioned. The question arises: Why? We're not sure? We are not protected by These flash floods? The rainfall events that caused the disaster from the south to the north of Italy are typical for the short duration and the large amount of water poured on the soil surface investing in areas of limited size, ranging from tens to hundreds of square kilometers.

The storms, as illustrated by the radar images, we are continuously fed by the energy and the convergence of sea fronts and currents along the coasts. These storm-healing cells that are activated quickly during periods of transition of the seasons and mainly affect coastal areas characterized by morphological barriers that rise steeply from sea level to over 1000 meters, are typically made as the Mediterranean coast. As for the flash-floods, it is of the deadly storm mesoscale systems (MCS Mesoscale Convective System) in the last 60 years, in Italy, have caused about 500 deaths and immense damage to housing stock and infrastructure. Their danger has always been known, and Italy is a country for very vulnerable to this kind of phenomena: for this reason, the civil protection system should be organized to protect the lives of citizens, but unfortunately it is not. From the point of view of the forecast, there are still technologies that allow us to predict exactly where these phenomena (Which are very localized in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe territory) strike. After all

meteorologists regularly launch warnings and alerts relating to the wider area within which it is possible that such violent episodes occur. Catastrophic events have dramatically highlighted remember that the areas concerned were affected suddenly caught unprepared citizens and institutions. it is clear that you must fill this gap, which mostly affects the security of citizens. After the disaster of Messina developing guidelines to provide the territory of a proper system of civil protection in order to limit the damage caused by heavy rains. First you need to identificare le aree potenzialmente soggette ai fenomeni estremi. Poi bisogna pensare ai moderni radar meteo che consentono di individuare le perturbazioni sopraggiungenti che possono alimentare alluvioni-lampo, insieme ad altre adeguate strumentazioni che consentono di monitorare le variazioni di pressione atmosferica, di vento e intensità della pioggia che solitamente caratterizzano i più violenti temporali.

Anche l’osservazione diretta di occhi “educati” a riconoscere i fenomeni atmosferici contribuisce all’individuazione del fenomeno. La sicurezza che un’area sia investita dalle intense e pericolose piogge viene fornita dall’osservazione della curva pluviometrica in tempo reale. Dal momento che l’area invested by the phenomenon may be of limited magnitude, you need a dense mesh of meteorological stations. The simultaneous recording of meteorological parameters in adjacent sites provides an indication of the area you are interested from the start of the event. After a few minutes you have the almost certainty that the event can escalate to become "flood" and potentially catastrophic as that of the previous rounds of Genoa.

Research performed in recent years in many areas devastated by flash floods, the rain beginning to show that the triggering of landslides, floods and landslides various steps from 15 to 120 minutes, a period of time critical to safeguard human lives. It should be clear that rainfall so much violent Messina (300mm in less than three hours) and Genoa (400mm in no time) cause repercussions in the area, around the world, wherever they occur. On these occasions the nature manifests its power, we get the space needed to dispose of the exceptional flows in accordance with the laws governing natural phenomena which also includes exceptional occurrences. it is clear that the man should have taken account of the spaces that are periodically "claimed" by natural phenomena. Unfortunately, the man-made laws have always been the presumption that nature should be subject to the power man. The urban areas were often to the contact with the torrential river beds and, very often the latter have been covered (such Atrani, Casamicciola and Messina) and turned into roads.

addition to that building, unfortunately we have to deal with a widespread "illegal environment", also made in respect of planning instruments, related to the urbanization of areas that would have to comply with the laws of nature and to be left available to exceptional events . In coastal areas such as Messina, the peninsula coast, the Calabrian coast, the Ligurian coast of Italy and many other areas subject to landslides and flooding cycles, million people live: they are densely urbanized even at the mouth of rivers at the foot of steep hills and hydrogeological unstable. You can not find the financial resources to put them in structural safety. If you want to avoid new victims should focus on modern weather forecasting and prevention, just encouraging the spread of new radar and weather stations and early warning systems: it is the only way to beat the time the fury of nature, of course without being able to pretend to stop it but at least managed to rescue the population.

* Professor of Geology and Director of the Department of Planning and Science Planning, University of Naples Federico II

** Director - Online Journal of Meteorology

Here's the original link:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Blister On Inside Thumb Infected

Journalism Meets Web

"... is no longer acceptable that the editorial does not work il web o che si pretenda per questo una speciale remunerazione. Non è più accettabile che perduri la norma che prevede il consenso dell'interessato a ogni spostamento, a parità di mansione ..... non è più accettabile l'atteggiamento di sufficienza e di sospetto con cui parte della redazione ha accolto il successo della web tv..... prima vengono le esigenze del giornale, poi le pur legittime aspirazioni dei giornalisti".
Parole queste di Ferruccio De Bortoli che condivido pienamente, mentre invece al Corriere della Sera hanno già causato uno sciopero (e un altro è preannunciato).
Sicuramente non causato soltanto da queste parole, ma il sospetto che mentre il mondo della carta stampata sta franando la maggiorparte dei  giornalisti non se ne rende conto e ritiene le condizioni qui sopra delineate come inaccettabili è quasi una certezza.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Find An Indian Escort In Usa

If an iron is taken in a crash dump

Il post di oggi non è mio, ma di Sara Brachetti, redattrice de l'Ordine, che è stata capace di commuovermi.
Grazie Sara, qualche giorno dopo la pubblicazione, ti presento ai miei amici.

Oleksij sapeva che stava rubando.
Aveva atteso che calasse un po’ di  buio per passare inosservato agli al tri almeno, se a se stesso non riusci and could not go.
Fifty years and so reduced by poverty and solitude, far from land makes you feel at home even if it does not offer future and you forced to emigrate to seek the fortune that should star for power elsewhere. But you end up down landfill, to an iron Espying ironing clothes, groped to put a worm away with the shame of those who do not can afford it, because the cloves li in avanzo servono a campare, mi ca agli sfizi: e la camicia ben in ordi ne è un di più, non necessità. Quan do lunedì è arrivata l’auto dei cara binieri, lui ancora lì in via Santa Ma ria, sguardo colpevole e mortificato,  s’è sentito uno sciocco, incapace pu re di commettere un furto spinto dal  bisogno; inetto alla vita e alle regole  del mondo e da esso dunque punito  giustamente, ha riflettuto in fretta,  mentre lo portavano via in manette.
He had seen the mayor, not a whatever, the first citizen of Tu rate and secretary of the president pro provincial, and with ways circospet I wandered around the plat platform: and the little that is imported was not criminal but do imba rocket, at the desire of fending soon and remain decent man.
Cristiano Banfi contacted the about Sermo, because intervene against this poor man, but it has not called with pity, for he was only a thief, because if you start to make distinctions all go unpunished and country growing chaos.
So Oleksij Ani Kito, Ukrainian is now complete behind bars awaiting trial, guarded by two soldiers who accompanied him then tribes in tion, telling the court her crime. Theft aggravated his ac Cusa, like those first few days no, Novedrate in church, has run ra taken the shrine, a chronic there's value in gold and copper with the remains of St. Carpoforo: and although the leg ge he had added a projections vo, that "tried" but its not on
of policemen who had stopped to , the stigma remained the same, and both me is convicted.
"ferrous" have called the military to know it superficially, to increase the weight of a
fact rather poor, who claimed not indulgence but common sense.
Olekseij, who has resigned to gra life of his guilt without offering excuses , had not even realized that that sword with which he could make his pre sentabile the morning even fun tioned, a contraption to throw not the whim of replace it with the latest model and more efficient, but because irretrievably broken.
punished without any deduction for her little poverty that has pushed to give up dignity, not by the police have made enough the complaint but have decided to stop; Treaty with words and official acts, the like a member of an economic criminal organization that steals for re sell, not to poverty: he immediately without protest, too grez zo to make differences.
had guessed instead to all this, so he engineers new slip from under his arm nien anything but a wreck, avrebbe al lora pensato di aver sbagliato av verbio sulle prime, e che la giustizia
non è poi sempre così giusta come  immaginava.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jack Cruise Fotos Gay

Matteotti whom?

Il consigliere regionale Gianluca Rinaldin ha paragonato Dell'Utri a  Matteotti: «Oggi come allora è mancata la democrazia».
Detto che è impossibile che parli di Giacomo Matteotti , che fu rapito e ucciso da squadristi per le sue denunce del fascismo cerchiamo di capire chi sia il vero termine di paragone.
Marcello Matteotti  ( Palermo ,  11 settembre   1901 ) .  Stretto collaboratore di Benito Mussolini sin dagli  anni t renta, socio nel Popolo d'Italia  e dirigente  d e Fasci Italiani di combattimento nel  1921  fondò con lui il partito nazionale fascista. È stato condannato in appello a 7 anni per  collusion with the Mafia-type after his pizzino intercetttato demonstrated its beneficial fequentazioni O'Breve with Toto, and Carmelo O'Nimale Ciccio lu Ripper. It seems that despite the powerful friends of his wife prevented him from speaking.
Piersilvio Matteotti ( Palermo, September 11 1931). close associate of Giulio Andreotti years since the fifties, a partner in Banca Privata Italiana di Michele Sindona  ha patteggiato la pena di due anni e tre mesi di reclusione per false fatture e  frode fiscale  nell'ambito della gestione di una rivendita di arancini.  Denunciato da pentiti organizzò un complotto con falsi penti che a loro volta denunciarono pentiti veri che però parlavano di falsi denuncianti gli fu impedito di parlare dalla Corte d'Appello mentre cercava alla lavagna di spiegare le sue denunce.
Pierino Matteotti  ( Palermo ,  11 settembre   1981). close collaborator of 'omission' from the early years of the new century, a partner in a shore of the lake is on trial for plots between finance and the Camorra is not better clarified. Failed twice to maturity, he was prevented from speaking when presented himself for the third time he based his thesis on five manuscripts, diaries by Benito Mussolini, where presumably they testified that the Duce was actually a mild ascetic and the racial laws were promulgated by an agent provocateur of the KGB friend of Hitler who wanted to eliminate from the board of the statesmen in the world his only real contender. Currently Peter has founded a current strength of Italy, the liberaldemocattolicissimi but they are a minority inside the party. c

Mount And Blade Warband Wedding Dance

shock (a Dell'Utri)

I do not write from a life on this blog, so my head engineer wants from some premises.
are not common. Nor are fascist. I have always voted
center and left, without extremism, I'm one of those foaming at the mouth Sgarbi called 'cattocomunisti', simply a Catholic who thinks that if the primary sacrament of his faith is called Communion, there must be a reason .

said, I read that yesterday the Senator Dell'Utri was to present the alleged diaries of Mussolini in his possession Parolario , one of the largest cultural festivals in the province of Como, and some hundreds of people have stopped him.
I am deeply democratic and even let them talk Ahmadinejad that Dell'Utri is a little worse, but I think the main mistake was not the protest, but the decision to invite such a controversial character in a review so important.
The civil protest against the presentation of this character is a democratic right as that of the senator to speak and when two are likely to deny freedom to each other the right to be preserved majorities. Piazza Cavour in the most obviously did not want to see Dell'Utri even a postcard.
not want to replace the judiciary, but I think that a double sentence for collusion with the Mafia and other reduced sentences are not a driver of excellence. It is a cultural event would showcase the deserving and not the "not yet definitively condemned."
not even want to replace a popular history, but if the majority of people deemed a hoax diaries in the hands of Senator CDo I do it for political obstinacy.
why I believe the invitation unworthy. And while the unworthy
limited violence that has taken Senator.
Our country has certainly noble words from a stage to settle than those Dell'Utri (or those of former terrorists as Negroes or Fioravanti, as bandits or Vallanzasca Crown so as not to pass as a political censor)
Some people deserve laughs when they try to sell their junk and some intellectual shove instead merely legitimize them.
A different discourse on the mafia. A healthy opposition, shattering in its rejection of violence, more pro and con and a supporter of the judiciary who is doing his duty despite the political interference and the nominations shield is a must civile, non un atteggiamento da ultras.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Piano Theme Bank Of America

Mostra Filatelica "Dai Borbone alla Dittatura Garibaldina" Marsala 8-12 Maggio 2010

Saturday, May 8 at 17:30 show at Institute of Contemporary Painting - Pizza Carmine, Marsala will be inaugurated at a stamp exhibition "From Dictatorship to Bourbon Garibaldina" organized by the Philatelic Lilibetana. Tuesday, May 11 from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 18:00 will be activated the temporary post office Poste Italian spa equipped with a special postmark that oblitererà envelopes and postcards published by the Association with the stamp issued May 5 that depicts the "landing at Marsala. The exhibition will be opened it the public from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00 8 12 May 2010.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How Much Charge To Design Poster

Transplantation short

Lavorano per noi 24 ore al giorno e marciano spediti per soddisfare i nostri bisogni.
Dopo il processo breve ecco quali disegni di legge sta preparando il governo:

  • Trapianto breve - Basta ad interventi che durino più di 4 ore sfinendo pazienti e chirurghi. La proposta rilancia la sospensione immediata di tutte le operazioni che eccedano le 4 ore e l'immediata ricucitura allo scadere del limite. A parziale risarcimento eventuali attrezzi chirurgici all'interno del corpo del paziente allo stop become the property of the same (but only in case of survival). "A vote to improve the sorry state of health" as the exponent of the PDL Gasparri.
  • Commuting short - Two hours to go from Bergamo to Milan and all too many commuters stuck on the A4 every morning for more than 120 minutes should immediately return to base, or at least they will be allowed to work exactly where they arrived. The opposition expects a private interest of the premier pipeline, bringing thousands of construction so that the exact height of Bergamo Arcore.
  • Decree tagliacode - Wait your turn for twenty minutes in the mail? The idea of \u200b\u200bthe minister Brunetta provides that you may not be served if you do not even have the right to service. The union is in a state of agitation pickpockets. "We want the retirees are able to withdraw their monthly" protest by threatening a general strike on February 30.