Monday, September 20, 2010

Find An Indian Escort In Usa

If an iron is taken in a crash dump

Il post di oggi non è mio, ma di Sara Brachetti, redattrice de l'Ordine, che è stata capace di commuovermi.
Grazie Sara, qualche giorno dopo la pubblicazione, ti presento ai miei amici.

Oleksij sapeva che stava rubando.
Aveva atteso che calasse un po’ di  buio per passare inosservato agli al tri almeno, se a se stesso non riusci and could not go.
Fifty years and so reduced by poverty and solitude, far from land makes you feel at home even if it does not offer future and you forced to emigrate to seek the fortune that should star for power elsewhere. But you end up down landfill, to an iron Espying ironing clothes, groped to put a worm away with the shame of those who do not can afford it, because the cloves li in avanzo servono a campare, mi ca agli sfizi: e la camicia ben in ordi ne è un di più, non necessità. Quan do lunedì è arrivata l’auto dei cara binieri, lui ancora lì in via Santa Ma ria, sguardo colpevole e mortificato,  s’è sentito uno sciocco, incapace pu re di commettere un furto spinto dal  bisogno; inetto alla vita e alle regole  del mondo e da esso dunque punito  giustamente, ha riflettuto in fretta,  mentre lo portavano via in manette.
He had seen the mayor, not a whatever, the first citizen of Tu rate and secretary of the president pro provincial, and with ways circospet I wandered around the plat platform: and the little that is imported was not criminal but do imba rocket, at the desire of fending soon and remain decent man.
Cristiano Banfi contacted the about Sermo, because intervene against this poor man, but it has not called with pity, for he was only a thief, because if you start to make distinctions all go unpunished and country growing chaos.
So Oleksij Ani Kito, Ukrainian is now complete behind bars awaiting trial, guarded by two soldiers who accompanied him then tribes in tion, telling the court her crime. Theft aggravated his ac Cusa, like those first few days no, Novedrate in church, has run ra taken the shrine, a chronic there's value in gold and copper with the remains of St. Carpoforo: and although the leg ge he had added a projections vo, that "tried" but its not on
of policemen who had stopped to , the stigma remained the same, and both me is convicted.
"ferrous" have called the military to know it superficially, to increase the weight of a
fact rather poor, who claimed not indulgence but common sense.
Olekseij, who has resigned to gra life of his guilt without offering excuses , had not even realized that that sword with which he could make his pre sentabile the morning even fun tioned, a contraption to throw not the whim of replace it with the latest model and more efficient, but because irretrievably broken.
punished without any deduction for her little poverty that has pushed to give up dignity, not by the police have made enough the complaint but have decided to stop; Treaty with words and official acts, the like a member of an economic criminal organization that steals for re sell, not to poverty: he immediately without protest, too grez zo to make differences.
had guessed instead to all this, so he engineers new slip from under his arm nien anything but a wreck, avrebbe al lora pensato di aver sbagliato av verbio sulle prime, e che la giustizia
non è poi sempre così giusta come  immaginava.


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