Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Red Velvet Cakes Toronto

Bodies disinformation

Il documento trafugato, del quale si legge in un sito "molto ma molto vicino all' attuale Ammistrazione", non é giunto QUALCHE GIORNO FA ma é stato -9 sent from Palermo in July 2010. Admission and calculated the slowness of the Italian, not that the documents have arrived at their destination a few days ago because the items (stolen) in my possession, dating from more than 20 days ago.
The documents are addressed to Mr. Mayor, the President of the Municipal Council of the City of Furci (not the Commissioner ad acta) and for information to the Auditor of the City of Furci Siculus.

In its letter of 21 August 2008 sent a little to all relevant bodies, is required by the Commissioner ad acta Mr. Mayor.

In my humble opinion, and while being all 'obscure "tangling" legal, A copy of the reply of the Court of Auditors would have to go all 'ex-prime minister because of the facts Conscenza person and author of certain facts, it seems,' s ex-prime minister has not even received the news of the response.

So I had to print some and wish you good hunting moles (which are somewhat blind) but wonderfully rummage the drawers (unattended).

What the law says, what people say lawyers and experts?

Pippo Caminiti


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