Thanks to an alert from your twitter of Room Bar Frascati, I could read a resolution of Board of Directors of the Criminal Chamber Veronese issued on December 16 last year. With this communication, which is necessary because of the numerous reports, the criminal lawyers were asked to wear the toga during the hearings, as disposto dall’art. 104 del R.D. n. 3 del 1927 richiamato dal R.D. n. 1578 del 1933. In un bel passaggio viene precisato che l’utilizzo della toga non deve essere inteso come un obbligo bensì come un onore e un privilegio .
Sono assolutamente d’accordo e, in realtà, non capisco come mai la Camera Penale di Verona sia stata costretta a questo provvedimento. Il mancato utilizzo della toga può essere considerato solo un segno di pigrizia. Noi avvocati non siamo nemmeno costretti ad acquistarla e a portarcela dietro per le udienze. Io, ad esempio, non ne ho una mia eppure l’ho sempre indossata. Infatti, nella Most courts are made available to lawyers' robes to use during the hearings. There should be limited to take one and place it on his shoulders when you are summoned to appear before the court.
Starting from this alert and mindful of my little personal experience, I wonder, but you'll be losing a bit 'the featuring "formal" the profession?
certainly I do not go to court every day wearing shirts and suits, but I realize that more and more frequently seen in the corridors colleagues (often judges) dressed very casual, sometimes too: jeans, sneakers, t-shirt. Not to mention the summer when, with the excuse of the heat, you flaunt tank tops, dresses and flip flops.
From my point of view, I think there is a dress for any occasion and suitable for the role and the responsibility that rests with our title, out of respect for the judges, their colleagues and our own customers. L ' exception, then, is understandable, but can not become the rule.
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