I love to read and, even more, buy books . When I was in college, just passed an exam, I went to the library to purchase the manuals for future examination. Keep them in hand was a joy: very new, clean, heavy and ready to be filled with marks, underlining, notes and leaflet.
Still, whenever possible, I like to enrich my desk with some books to study, even though certainly, the time to read and study are the same once!
Today we mark four books. The first two I have already, the others I've just ordered.
Dictionary of the Latin legal maxim and
of Paris Bertozzi
Ipsoa, 2009
This book was the a gift from a dear friend and colleague, when I obtained a license to practice. I find it beautiful! Born as an aid to the layman, I think, in fact, a very useful tool for us as lawyers. The use of Latin in proceedings, it is sometimes inevitable, some Latinisms, in fact, can not be translated or otherwise used to convey briefly the concepts that would not make the Italian language with the same thoroughness and accuracy. Here, then, a collection of over 1000 terms you always have on hand for a correct and conscious use of expressions that have been passed down from classical Roman law.
Elvira Berlingieri of
Apogee, 2008
For those who want to appear to the world of law of the Internet and new technologies , here is a complete manual and easy to get an initial overview of the legislation revolves around the Net in a simple way, the author explains the legal implications of using search engines, websites , blogs, social networks etc.., with particular attention to the violation of the right Copyright . Certainly this is a first taste that would, if of interest, depth and, above all, aggiornata con le ultime novità legislative (e tecnologiche!).
Marketing e diritto
di M. Maggiolino e M.L. Montagnani
Egea, 2009
Sono curiosa, questo è un dato di fatto! Il mio Google Reader contiene iscrizioni a blogs di ogni genere: tecnologia, attualità, letteratura e, perché no, anche marketing . Naturale, quindi, che nasca un interesse ad approfondire l’argomento dal punto di vista giuridico, trying to figure out what the legal implications involved in planning at the enterprise level market. After a little research, this was the only text that I found were in general the topic, so you can get a first idea of \u200b\u200bthe regulatory framework. Ordered a few days ago, are still waiting to receive it and start browsing!
Words and justice
of Bice Mortara Garavelli ;
Einaudi, 2001
Two days ago, talking about passion for reading and writing and the blog of literary criticism with which I work, a fellow devotee of linguistic advised me this text, he said, not really simple but very interesting. This is an essay legal language which, by analysis of the Italian legal texts, analyzes their discursive and rhetorical structure the grammar, the thematic progression etc.., Highlighting errors and inaccuracies and analyzing the ' communication effectiveness. The important final chapter on persuasive speech el ' oratoria forense . Anche di questo libro attendo la disponibilità in libreria con una certa ansia tipica delle persone molto curiose!
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