Devo ammettere di essere rimasta un po’ stupita quando, aprendo il mio datato dizionario della lingua italiana Devoto-Oli, ho trovato, alla voce avvocato , la seguente semplice dicitura: s. m. (f. –a ; pop. –éssa ) .
Di certo non ignoravo l’esistenza della forma femminile del sostantivo in questione, come pure delle parole sindaca , ministra o architetta , ma pensavo di trovarvi qualche dicitura indicate that, if nothing else, the non-use or use very rare (especially in a vocabulary of more than 20 years ago). The late
approaching women in professions that until a few decades ago, were virtually excluded men, has certainly not encouraged the spread of these grammatical forms. But, nowadays, to see women in court is the norm.
If, then, the Italian language is so clear on this point, because every time you find yourself in front of Mrs. Mary Smith, a lawyer, not the lawyer is called ? Often it happened that I was asked if I preferred attorney or lawyer and I can not deny it, I also happened to be appealed as lawyer with a chuckle and a hint of sarcasm.
Di certo non ignoravo l’esistenza della forma femminile del sostantivo in questione, come pure delle parole sindaca , ministra o architetta , ma pensavo di trovarvi qualche dicitura indicate that, if nothing else, the non-use or use very rare (especially in a vocabulary of more than 20 years ago). The late
approaching women in professions that until a few decades ago, were virtually excluded men, has certainly not encouraged the spread of these grammatical forms. But, nowadays, to see women in court is the norm.
If, then, the Italian language is so clear on this point, because every time you find yourself in front of Mrs. Mary Smith, a lawyer, not the lawyer is called ? Often it happened that I was asked if I preferred attorney or lawyer and I can not deny it, I also happened to be appealed as lawyer with a chuckle and a hint of sarcasm.
But these are exceptions. Most of the time there is a real embarrassment choice. The word seems cacophonous advocate and, as a lawyer , the senior colleagues, mindful of the feminist battles , fear of offending the pro in question, using a suffix is \u200b\u200bconsidered by many as derogatory or ironic. So he makes up with a neutral lawyer or an even simpler colleague.
Many women, then, prefer much rather be called with the professional title in the masculine, feeling belittled by the female equivalent, or simply believing that it is more correct to refer to the role and function performed regardless of their sex.
From what I have read, the correct way would advocate . I have no particular preferences. Out of habit I continue to use the men's title, but I am open to change!
I think the ugliness of the sound is overcome with a little 'habit of . In general, all the new words sound bad. In favor of the turnaround, then, I might say that if you start to use this term, we get rid of some small difficulty: how often, in fact, we happened by writing a letter, did not know how to tune our articles or adjectives with a professional? An example: I write " I am a young lawyer registered with the Order of Perugia " or " am a young lawyer registered with the Order of Perugia ?
This incident might be a little less incentive to make a habit of calling lawyers and feel !
Many women, then, prefer much rather be called with the professional title in the masculine, feeling belittled by the female equivalent, or simply believing that it is more correct to refer to the role and function performed regardless of their sex.
From what I have read, the correct way would advocate . I have no particular preferences. Out of habit I continue to use the men's title, but I am open to change!
I think the ugliness of the sound is overcome with a little 'habit of . In general, all the new words sound bad. In favor of the turnaround, then, I might say that if you start to use this term, we get rid of some small difficulty: how often, in fact, we happened by writing a letter, did not know how to tune our articles or adjectives with a professional? An example: I write " I am a young lawyer registered with the Order of Perugia " or " am a young lawyer registered with the Order of Perugia ?
This incident might be a little less incentive to make a habit of calling lawyers and feel !
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