I wanted to publish a photo of this beautiful poster I saw only yesterday in the corridors of the Bar Florence, but I could not find one online. The Bar Council has decided to undertake this campaign communication, presented at the Genoa Museoteatro Prè the Commanders of the inauguration of the interactive space, "Your diritti il mondo che ami ” e della mostra “ Avvocati e libri…una lunga storia ”, con lo scopo di richiamare l’attenzione sulla funzione etico-sociale quotidianamente svolta dagli avvocati.
Purtroppo, e questo è sotto gli occhi di tutti, la nostra professione subisce spesso gli effetti negativi di pregiudizi e luoghi comuni . Accanto a realtà drammatiche in cui gli avvocati, visti come minacce per i regimi dittatoriali, vengono perseguitati perché difensori dei diritti umani, ci sono contesti a noi più vicini in cui gli stessi sono, invece, spesso additati come professionisti senza scrupoli, corporativistici e mossi exclusively by economic interests.
is certainly not my intention to draw a veil of sanctity about a profession that is as it should be, lends a quality service in exchange for a fee. I was just glad to have read a text, speaking of a great man who has devoted his life to defend the weakest, wants to remind us all that every day in our small, we put our professionalism and service to others and we need to actively defend their rights.
Believing that is worth reading, below the text poster.
Just saw himself as a lawyer witnessed intolerance,
of racism, prejudice and injustice.
He was 17 when, a few years after the death of his father,
was sent to study law at University College London. It was 1888.
will be back in India in 1891 as a lawyer, just days after
obtained a license to practice law and entry registration,
armed with deep honesty and willingness to work.
" Farsi subscribe to the Bar was easy, but it was hard
exercise, had studied law but had not learned to practice,
I read with interest the legal maximum
but did not know how to apply them to my profession. One of them was sic your uterus ut alienum non
laedes (use your property so as not to harm another human
) ", but I did not know how you could apply this
maximum benefit of its customers.
I had read the most salient cases, but I had used to guide the application
Two years later, an Indian company hired him to follow
on his behalf in a lawsuit Natal - ancient province of
Republic of South Africa. Here he met apartheid and racial segregation
and saw his fellow
almost reduced to slavery. He decided to extend his stay
in the region to defend the rights of Indian immigrants,
facing local authorities in accordance with law.
with clients trying to establish a relationship of pure
and full cooperation. He looked for Justice acting according to justice,
basing its action on the search for truth.
" When I was a student I had heard that the job of the lawyer is the best job
liar, but do not let me influence, since it did not intend to solicit
neither money nor honor with lies [...] not
remember ever affected my plots to win the causes;
did not want any more or less of my skills,
my client won or lost the case .
(Gandhi, My life for freedom)
When she understood that action was needed to defend rights of the weakest and
decided to dedicate his life to the cause of justice, when he decided to oppose
justice to injustice, non-violence to violence,
Gandhi was a lawyer.
Your rights. The world you love.
Purtroppo, e questo è sotto gli occhi di tutti, la nostra professione subisce spesso gli effetti negativi di pregiudizi e luoghi comuni . Accanto a realtà drammatiche in cui gli avvocati, visti come minacce per i regimi dittatoriali, vengono perseguitati perché difensori dei diritti umani, ci sono contesti a noi più vicini in cui gli stessi sono, invece, spesso additati come professionisti senza scrupoli, corporativistici e mossi exclusively by economic interests.
is certainly not my intention to draw a veil of sanctity about a profession that is as it should be, lends a quality service in exchange for a fee. I was just glad to have read a text, speaking of a great man who has devoted his life to defend the weakest, wants to remind us all that every day in our small, we put our professionalism and service to others and we need to actively defend their rights.
Believing that is worth reading, below the text poster.
A life to defend the rights people.
Gandhi was a lawyer.
Gandhi was a lawyer.
Just saw himself as a lawyer witnessed intolerance,
of racism, prejudice and injustice.
He was 17 when, a few years after the death of his father,
was sent to study law at University College London. It was 1888.
will be back in India in 1891 as a lawyer, just days after
obtained a license to practice law and entry registration,
armed with deep honesty and willingness to work.
soon realized, however, that so much study and dedication
not enough to be a good lawyer:
" Farsi subscribe to the Bar was easy, but it was hard
exercise, had studied law but had not learned to practice,
I read with interest the legal maximum
but did not know how to apply them to my profession. One of them was sic your uterus ut alienum non
laedes (use your property so as not to harm another human
) ", but I did not know how you could apply this
maximum benefit of its customers.
I had read the most salient cases, but I had used to guide the application
the highest law in the exercise of "
(Gandhi, My life for freedom)
(Gandhi, My life for freedom)
Two years later, an Indian company hired him to follow
on his behalf in a lawsuit Natal - ancient province of
Republic of South Africa. Here he met apartheid and racial segregation
and saw his fellow
almost reduced to slavery. He decided to extend his stay
in the region to defend the rights of Indian immigrants,
facing local authorities in accordance with law.
with clients trying to establish a relationship of pure
and full cooperation. He looked for Justice acting according to justice,
basing its action on the search for truth.
" When I was a student I had heard that the job of the lawyer is the best job
liar, but do not let me influence, since it did not intend to solicit
neither money nor honor with lies [...] not
remember ever affected my plots to win the causes;
did not want any more or less of my skills,
my client won or lost the case .
(Gandhi, My life for freedom)
When she understood that action was needed to defend rights of the weakest and
decided to dedicate his life to the cause of justice, when he decided to oppose
justice to injustice, non-violence to violence,
Gandhi was a lawyer.
Your rights. The world you love.
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