Questo è lo slogan coniato dai ministri Renato Brunetta e Angelino Alfano nel corso della conferenza stampa sullo stato della digitalizzazione della giustizia , tenutosi ieri pomeriggio presso il Ministero di via Arenula.
A pochi giorni dalla diffusione della comunicazione di Stefano Aprile, direttore generale del dipartimento per i sistemi informativi automatizzati della Giustizia, che aveva fatto temere il blocco totale di tribunali e procure (leggi il post qui ), il pericolo sembra del tutto rientrato ed ecco i due ministri presentare, orgogliosi, i risultati raggiunti in questi primi due anni e mezzo di legislatura.
Nel documento sullo stato dell’informatizzazione , si parla di “ enorme progresso nell’avanzamento del program of computerization of civil justice Italian "in spite of the budget cuts.
data dissemination to seem edifying December 2010: presence in 100% and 76% respectively of the national courts of civil execution Information System and Bankruptcy Information System and Cognition Civil District . 88% of the seats of the Court of Appeals have the Web service Polis while still on an experimental basis, for example, the service electronic filing of injunctions .
data dissemination to seem edifying December 2010: presence in 100% and 76% respectively of the national courts of civil execution Information System and Bankruptcy Information System and Cognition Civil District . 88% of the seats of the Court of Appeals have the Web service Polis while still on an experimental basis, for example, the service electronic filing of injunctions .
also presented results of the project Digital Justice on 22 December 2010 and plan future operations. In government projects, the first operational phase scheduled for the new year will be to support and maintenance of information systems (read here ). Followed by a second phase of acceleration and rationalization that promises to give priority to full implementation of the Digital Administration Code and deployment of services in the courts Southern Italy.
Faced with criticisms on the failure to implement what was promised, Angelino Alfano answered by saying that this is only the halfway point of a law that has lasted five years and that there are still two more years and means for continuing to work and complete projects.
But what has been done so far, it really works?
Photo: source
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