Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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Consideration lawyer has time to think about the oral

past Christmas and technical time to recover from the trauma of writing, it's time to think about the oral. In about five months will be published the names of admitted and, unless the pre-appeal in July, September you start with questions. If you're lucky it is your time before writing 2011 ... otherwise you may be forced to live, just in case, the terrible three days !
Despite being promoted at the first attempt, I know of special techniques and magic to pass the exam. I do not want future colleagues, but be honest: the oral is really difficult. Let us, however, with some advice.

Do not wait for the release of the results, you would be late.
Although it is difficult to put on the books without a certain goal, you have to do it. Six subjects do not prepare in 2 months ... summer. The belief that the past writing, you're done, at least as the saying is false "because private lawyer half! We must study and then. (For those who have studied law, private law is the most difficult test of the first year and is literally used as a deterrent. Until it is overcome, we can not take the exams the second year).
I started going to study now in exile in the guest room, away from all distractions. As the days passed, decreased the time mostly for lunch, dinner, sleep. At the end take the books in the bathroom (I know ... it's sad), I had a drawer full of chocolate to avoid having to go get food in the kitchen and I spent the last 72 hours without sleep. Yet I felt I was not ready and I wandered around the house saying "now and then I flunked, so I failed! The panic. I came to study 18 hours a day . Too many.

The first problem: the choice of materials.
materials are to take the oral six : law and professional ethics, one of the civil procedure law and criminal procedural law as well as four other choice between constitutional law, civil law, commercial law, employment law, criminal law, administrative law, tax law, private international law and ecclesiastical law.
For those who have already supported the writing, the decision is water under the bridge (must be declared at registration examination, unless limits for change). For those who will participate in the 2011, I have two directions. Before
. In many decide to bring criminal law and criminal procedure only because the program is shorter. Do not make this mistake. Criminal and criminal procedure are matters that should be known and, above all, practical. If the last time you heard of a lawsuit was when you passed the exam of the general part of criminal four or five years ago, do not go to risk a bad picture to save a few hundred pages in the program. Choose the areas in which you feel more iron and you have had the opportunity during the period of practice.
Second indication: do not make heroes! If someone had given me this advice, I would have saved a bit 'hard work. Convinced that the Board would have looked at me with eyes more benevolent and that in any case, I would serve for the future, I took the oral civil law, civil procedure and constitutional law. The other 3 subjects were more simple, low counts. Even so, the program was unmanageable. Know that the Board just wants you to be prepared. So, having to carry a mandatory procedure, do not hesitate to support subjects such as law, ecclesiastical and international private, without, however, be underestimated.

Second question: what books to buy?
Again, the advice is the same: do not make heroes. The initial impulse is to go and buy the latest editions of university textbooks (I did too!): Trabucchi, Torrente, Mantovani, Luis ... Ok, they are all beautiful books, but do not have time. To get to the exam day with all six of the printed materials in the mind at the same time, you will need to complete texts but very schematic , who did not lose in-depth interesting but useless for the purpose of orality. It is assumed, however, that if you need to hand your old college texts and codes newest commented. Even I, after a first attempt, I have "surrendered" to the superiority of summaries (which are not abridged!). I made a mix between Edizioni Simone, Manuals and short routes Giuffrè Cedam . Specifically, I bought the Simon civil law and civil procedural law , the Giuffrè of ecclesiastical law, constitutional law and ethics (I highly recommend them!) and for Cedam private international law (a little 'difficult to read, but very useful summary diagram). On the advice of a friend, then, I also bought the codes shown La Tribuna de ( civil procedure and civil ), these very useful for their practical slant.

Last advice: go and see the oral
Attend several times for the oral submissions of your committee, ask what you listen well and pay close attention to the answers. This is not because, as some believe, the questions are always the same, but simply because the way to question varies from committee to committee. There will be those prediligerà major issues and questions for those who, instead, will start immediately from the detail. Knowing what to expect is already an advantage and also you can adapt your way of studying. Also, as of course happened to me, you find the oral different from that expected a commission!

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