Monday, February 28, 2011

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Forensic Case: The Facebook protest infects

Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come! If, after the first burst of anger, had thrown the MAV of Cassa Forense in a corner of the desk this morning have been forced to take up. Today, in fact, was the last day to pay the first installment .
The increases of the last two years under the eyes of all. I, for one, I'm going to pay exactly twice what I paid in 2009. Among other things, and this only for accuracy, in 2009 I had to pay contributions for an entire year with a single bulletin, simply because the Cassa Forense had forgotten my application, regularly received in January and has taken steps to enroll until several months later. So, I've literally paid their inefficiency.
But the problems now are different. Minimum contributions subject to and supplements to the stars, rising from 2% to 4%, which is not insignificant, the ghost of a forensic reform that, if ever approved, will impact even counting the years of contribution.
professionals, this time, are rebelling. And they did so by choosing an unusual means of communication for the class, but certainly very effective Facebook. It is in the process of Fax Day lawyers protest against the iniquity of the Cassa Forense . In reality it is more of a "fax week" because the movement of Attorneys General Mobilization provides for a period of time ranging from February 28 to March 6 to send a letter of protest , fax and mail, the President of the Cassa Forense to express its disappointment regarding the excessive amount of the contribution. Gli aumenti, tra l’altro, si collocano in un momento veramente difficile per l’intera categoria professionale.
Alla pagina facebook dedicata alla Mobilitazione Generale degli Avvocati sono iscritti, al momento oltre 1.500 membri e altrettanti hanno dichiarato di partecipare all’evento. Cercando nell’album fotografico, è possibile scaricare e stampare il modello della lettera da inviare e altre comunicazioni attinenti alla protesta.
Sulla bacheca del gruppo e dell’evento continuano a crescere i post di avvocati che condividono la loro adesione e comunicano di aver provveduto all’invio del fax. Quello che, poi, mi ha molto colpita, è che i manifesti dell’iniziativa and a facsimile of the letter to be sent are displayed in many courts of Italy. Indeed, I have learned it by reading a sheet posted in the hallways of the Office of Justice of the Peace of Florence.
We'll see if this mobilization, which I share, will lead to some results though, let me tell you, I'm not very confident.

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Rsvp Alice In Wonderland Wording

with a ... Ronciglione for Carnival ... but not only! Lesson

Ronciglione Trip to the Carnival to celebrate ... but not only!

Sunday, March 6 ... ...

north of Rome, the Via Cassia and the Via Flaminia, this attractive medieval town stands on a spur big tuff place at the confluence of two small rivers, the Rio Vicano only outlet of Lake Vico and that after the Fosso Chianello filled Farnesiane, took place at the end of the 500 now flows underground. This work development project initiated by the Farnese family has allowed the development of the Renaissance and modern city on a second spur tuff. The first documented
Ronciglione date back to 1143 and are due to Cipriano Manente Orvieto stands as a historic date of foundation of the small village built on a former ancient settlement date 1043 by the prefects of Vico, who controlled the Tiber Valley and the Lago di Vico
Ronciglione In 1526 it became the possession of the Farnese family and under their wise and enlightened rule enjoyed a period of great economic and urban development. It was an economic center for the development of advanced manufacturing: foundries, ramiere, paper, ceramics, gun shops, printing etc. and had a vibrant culture linked to various Academies (Eager, chimneys, Arcadio Cimina, Hercules Cimina etc.) and printers where they were printed, among other things, the first Italian edition of the Tassoni Secchia Kidnapped (1642) and dell'Aminta of Tasso and Guarini's Pastor Fido.
In 1728 Pope Benedict XIII erected Ronciglione City. The eighteenth century closed dramatically with the anti-French revolutionary movement during the First Roman Republic 1798-99. The fire of the French troops hanged by General Valterre destroyed 174 buildings, municipal archive

... ... During our visit we will devote the morning to tour the city, its history over the centuries and from 15.30 ... ... ... because the whole carnival Carnival King, escorted by knights in costume, sets up in the city ' taking over by the mayor the keys to ensure that all days of revelry and madness in the streets with dancing, competitions and masks, highly anticipated, during the Grand Gala, with a massive parade floats. The public thronged the roadside, will be distributed forkfuls of macaroni''contained in chamber pots.'' In addition to the''masks''the official parade the so-called''Red Noses,''a group of practical jokers followers of Bacchus ... Carnival Ronciglione, born from the tradition of carnival Roman Renaissance and Baroque, recalls in his shows much of the history and tradition of the city. From the cavalcade of Hussars, which retraces the route of a historic ride of the French soldiers in epoca rinascimentale al teatro tradizionale…


alle ore 8 partenza dal Metro Drive In (Casalpalocco)
alle ore 8.15 partenza da Eur Fermi (appuntamento all'angolo con la via Cristoforo Colombo)

costo della gita comprensivo di pullman a/r , parcheggio pullman e servizio guida Euro 30

Pranzo al sacco. Per chi lo preferisce stiamo organizzando anche un pranzo in ristorante (pagamento a parte)
Prenotare, ricordando di scrivere sempre i numeri di telefono, scrivendo e.mail a oppure sms al 339 5467212

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Unlock Propellarhead Record

interactive maneuvers unblocking Pediatric - free participation

HAPPY TIME INFERNETTO ONLUS Association in collaboration with the Institute for the prevention of hardship and Child with the Comprehensive Institute WA MOZART invite you to attend the March 14 MANOEUVRES unblocking PEDIATRIC INTERACTIVE LESSON.

Already some of you have spoken of the disclosure that Dr. Marco Squicciarini, a volunteer doctor of the Italian Red Cross is doing for some time about unblocking pediatric maneuvers to clear the airways of infants and children when we go there soffocamento.Oggi parlare.Solo in Italy is important that a child per week dies from choking or food items.

Fa riflettere sapere che da quando il dott. Squicciarini ha iniziato a fare questi incontri, che lui chiama “lezioni interattive”, si sono salvati più di 40 i bambini solo grazie al fatto che i loro genitori avevano assistito alle sue lezioni o avevano "solo" visto i suoi filmati in internet!La LEZIONE INTERATTIVA MANOVRE DISOSTRUZIONE PEDIATRICA sisvolgerà il 14 marzo 2011 dalle ore ore 17 alle ore 19 presso il teatro della Scuola Istituto Compresivo W. A. Mozart in Via di Castelporziano 516 – 00124 Infernetto Roma.La partecipazione è GRATUITA e gratuitamente sarà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione della CRI, un manualetto, un poster e un dvd.

Registration and 'mandatory to be made by mail to: @ v.gagliardi

For further information please contact 3385051390Per the contents of the meeting recommended the presence of bambini.In Please find attached the flyer of the event. If you think your children's school, gymnasium, medical center where you go can be available to post it or you can ask us to make you a copy or a print. The important thing is that we will do as much as possible to spread the news of the meeting to allow more people to partecipare.Ovviamente you can forward this mail to anyone you think possa essere interessato.Ricordo che l’incontro è aperto a tutti e i migliori destinatari sono mamme, papà, nonni, insegnanti di tutti i livelli, baby sitter, educatori e chiunque abbia a che fare con bimbi!

Cogliamo l'occasione per informarvi che la Scuola Mozart si è inoltre resa disponibile fin da ora a fornire i locali per un Corso che la Croce Rossa Italiana svolge per piccoli gruppi.

Il Corso Manovre Disostruzione Vie Aeree Età Pediatrica è della durata di 5 ore, suddivise in 1 ora di teoria e 4 ore di pratica su manichino pediatrico.Al termine del corso sarà rilasciato un attestato con una validità di 2 anni.La data del Corso sarà definita non appena si raggiungerà il numero minimo di partecipanti.Gli interessati potranno effettuare una pre-iscrizione gratuita direttamente in segreteria il 14/03/2011

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Privacy and Legal Studies: The Security Policy Document

The January 1, 2004 entered into force Leg. 30.06.2003 n. 196 which has simplified and collected in a single law on the processing of personal data. The code of privacy, of course, also applies to lawyers and law firms regarding the information of customers, partners, employees, suppliers.
remember, albeit with some delay from the actual year of the promulgation of the decree (in particular as a result of subsequent amendments), many law firms - mostly small - have found themselves displaced in the face of requirements that, in the first approach, seemed to be difficult to implement.
In fact, the rules imposed are not so severe and involve simply the use of minimum security measures such as, for example, obtaining consent from the holders of the data, the adaptation of tools used for storage of data through the use of username and password or the location of the files in places not accessible to persons outside the firm.
Certainly the use of new technologies , though made more secure retention of our clients avert the loss or permanent loss, requires the attentions incidental. For example, the need to obtain permission from the owner of the data to transfer abroad in case of use of torture to cloud computing, Given the possibility that the servers are located outside the Italian territory (see discussion below to post iPhone Vs agenda).
said, March is coming and, like every year at this time you start to talk about privacy as the new Code, Rule 19 of the Annex, has called for the drafting of Doumento on Security (DPS) by March 31 of each year .
Specifically, the document must contain:

1. the list of the processing of personal data;

2. distribution tasks and responsibilities for data processing;

3. risk analysis;

4. measures be taken to ensure the integrity and availability of data and the protection of areas and locations, relevant to the storage and accessibility;

5. description of the criteria and how to restore data availability following destruction or damage;

6. the prediction of training of those in charge of treatment to aware of the risks and responsibilities involved the handling of personal data and the methods of implementing the notch;

7. description of the criteria to be taken to ensure the adoption of minimum safety measures in case of processing of personal data entrusted to it in accordance with the code, outside the structure of the holder;

8. for personal data disclosing health and sex life, identification of criteria to be used for encryption or for the separation of these data from other's personal data.

The CNF made available on its website, a quick handbook for lawyers on the procedures regarding privacy and model for the preparation of DPS (download here ).

The matter is, however, very complex and so is the establishment of a proper Security Policy Document. To whom, then, wanted to learn more and study issues relating to the privacy and security, with attention paid also to cloud computing, VoIP, Wireless and Firewall, you point out another interesting theoretical and practical course organized Studies by the Center for Legal Informatics of Genoa and sponsored by the International Academy of Forensic Sciences. The course, entitled "Privacy for business and corporate security: the requirements in terms of legal and technical by March 31, 2011" is aimed primarily at businesses, but useful, however, even for professionals. will be held Saturday 12 and Sunday, March 13 in Genoa . For more information, click here .

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vasque Sundowner Made In

Counterclaim between competence and taxation

This is the title of the second post I wrote on LeggiOggi , the daily legal information which I have already spoken in a previous post.
The calculating the value of a civil case, most of the time, does not create problems in practice. It can happen, however, that we stand at the limit of one band to another, becomes very important to know what be computed and what not to determine the exact value of controversy, especially in the case of the commencement of the counterclaim. It adds to the main question? and interests and how do I unified with the contribution? In all, at least, will come a little doubt!
Specifically, in front of the other party contesting the application of fees for lawyers on a particular value of the procedure, I went back to reread them and the case law and then write the article. Here 's incipit.

Small practical problems concerning the value of the claim and the payment of the unified

Taking once again inspired by the work of every day, from simple questions that require an immediate solution and the objections raised in the course of Case (which often come to life debates) will face today, briefly and schematically, the question of the effect of the counterclaim on the value of the dispute and payment of the unified.
The value of a civil case, for purposes of jurisdiction is determined under the first paragraph of art. 10 Code, based on the application of the proposer of the application. Specifically, to be calculated, in addition to the quantum claimed, expenses, damages and interest. Moreover, if the process more applications are brought against the same person, they must be added in order to identify which court has jurisdiction to value.

The rest I invite you to read here.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Things To Put On A Thanksgiving Card

Tuscany, PCT ... and some great satisfaction!

I write constantly. Anyone who knows me knows that in my bag I always carry a Moleskine on which to pin the thoughts of the trip. So if you consider my professional life as an adventure, a journey that I undertook with enthusiasm and not fully know the goal, this blog is nothing but a notebook on which, as you go, just my thoughts. That is to say, knowing that the other side is someone who reads, I'm already very satisfied del semplice scrivere.
Quando, però, l’ipotetico lettore diventa “ reale ”, la soddisfazione ha un sapore differente! È il caso di Paolo (non è un nome di fantasia!), informatico, il quale alcuni giorni fa mi ha inviato una mail che mi ha molto sorpresa. 
Non ne faccio una questione di apprezzamento o complimenti ricevuti. Quelli fanno molto piacere, ma non sono la sostanza. Ciò che mi ha veramente colpita è che Paolo, dopo aver letto il mio post che raccontava il convegno sul processo telematico in Toscana ed essendo interessato ad alcuni aspetti discussi in quella sede, ha avuto il piacere di approfondire l’argomento e, soprattutto, di condividere la sua personale esperienza con me. Di questo ne sono veramente felice!
Ma veniamo al contenuto della mail.
Nel post in questione, ho trattato della tessera sanitaria recapitata a tutti i residenti della regione Toscana . In sintesi questa tessera, a differenze delle altre, è dotata di chip e può essere utilizzata come CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi). Paolo mi segnala che alcuni dei servizi cui la carta è destinata, sono già una realtà. Infatti è al momento possibile, per qualsiasi cittadino toscano che abbia attivato la tessera, accedere direttamente ai fascicoli dei processi civili that involve them. Paul continues by telling that he tried to log in Portal of Justice in Tuscany and surprised "to find a click away records and memories (not all unfortunately) not only know the date and time of next hearing .
This project, as stated in dedicated website, " was founded with the goal of helping people who have civil proceedings, to follow the process of the files in their name . In my opinion, shared by Paul, the service also has positive effects on the attorney-client relationship : Although it may seem strange, in fact, I am firmly convinced that the transparency and the ability to verify of our work will increase the trust that customers place in us professionals. The second
active service, however, is for lawyers and make available the "Collection of Judgments Criminal" Court of Appeal of Florence. Finally, they are also operating a toll support in case of problems with the paper and in the navigation or for more information ( 800004477) and a mail address where people can write for technical assistance : . Much more information potete trovarle qui .
Ringrazio ancora Paolo per la segnalazione ma, soprattutto, per la stimolante chiacchierata e per il piacevole confronto.

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Cat Has Herpes In Her Eyes

silvio berlusconi 01.wmv

Tooth Extraction Still Sore


then I'm the one who is content.
I just do not say a REVOLUTION , but that our final stop INVOLUTION .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Do I Bruise When I Work Out

Scrivere di diritto è molto difficile. Scrivere di diritto con taglio giornalistico lo è ancora di più. Non a caso, quando ho deciso di aprire il blog, ho pensato che fosse più semplice condividere i pensieri e le impressioni sulla mia “vita forense” piuttosto che l’oggetto study and work. The need to update more or less constant the page and do so, among other things, without taking time and concentration to the commitments of every day, then takes a considerable effort paid off ... of course with much satisfaction!
However, when I was asked to collaborate with a new online legal newspaper and to deal only existing law, I could not say no! So much fear, but more importantly the desire to work with an "army of bloggers " (as I presented it Giurdanella Caramel!) Ready to commit and, above all, have fun. I'm talking about
Read Today , legal information online newspaper published by Maggioli Publisher . To manage the ' Mr. Carmelo Giurdanella , flanked by' Mr. Guido Scorza and by ' Mr. Ernesto Belisario , well-known names on the net and elsewhere.
The intent is to establish a constant dialogue and dynamic between professionals , we who write and those who read, addressing issues of interest and current events, regulatory changes and court decisions, spanning 360 ° in the reality of law .
Birthday, announced by a article and video the Director, the February 14, Valentine's Day! The
my official debut, though, was yesterday with the publication of a short personal presentation and the first contribution, a reflection of evidence on the effectiveness of the minutes of the Municipal Police. You can read it here .
To write this article, and will remain so for the next, I have done nothing but put on paper the experience, or rather, the discovery daily, trying to use a method of communication simple and fast but at the same time effective.
Of course I still have to "settle" and find my identity in this environment so new, but in the meantime, I jumped!
I hope you enjoy reading ... in exchange for a "good luck"!

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

High Soft Closed Cervix Week Befire Period

Genoa: digital forensics and cybercrime investigation

Per gli appassionati di “ prove digitali ”, segnalo un interessantissimo corso avanzato pratico di  digital forensics e cybercrime investigation che si terrà a Genova il 26 e 27 febbraio prossimi. 
I due giorni di approfondimento sono organizzati dall’ Accademia Internazionale di Scienze Forensi in collaborazione con il Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica di Genova.
L’AISF è un’associazione culturale che si occupa, principalmente, di scienze forensi e criminologiche con un’attenzione particolare all’utilizzo e alla sperimentazione delle nuove tecnologie per l’ analisi della scena del crimine .  
The association is also particularly sensitive to the issue of child protection a reality, the current one, in which technologies exponentially increase the risks for children, more and more exposed to dangers associated with criminal and deviant scenarios.
The Bar Association of Genoa recognize, for the participants of the course, 14 credits .
Here you can read the course syllabus, the price and enrollment. Let me know!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Why Water Moved In Respirometer Pipettes

My last purchase!

too accustomed to databases and search under the net, I realized that it had a updated Code of Civil Procedure. Moreover, I never made any secret of my fondness for the paper, then travel to the library!
I must say that, contrary to what I expected, the choice was really easy.
This code
published by Cedam - known to a security - is a ' 2011 edition, and current,. What, however, I have more hit is that it is a real "opcode " with interesting insights , useful patterns of the process and procedural, not least, a well-articulated form also on cd-rom . all in a handy format and content. Here you can also download an excerpt. The
price, for us who know what they cost these tools, it is not excessive: € 60.00 .
I recommend it to people who need to update the library, and why not, who is preparing the ' oral examination as a lawyer.

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