was presented this morning in the council chamber "Maximum Amount" at XIII Municipio, the project "A lot of solidarity", edited by the Department of Social Services XIII Municipio.
"This is an important social value of project-Lodovico Pace said , Councillor for Social Policies XIII Municipio-Democritus who has gone from high school three years ago and is now shared from other local schools: Anco Marzio high school and tertiary institution Jules Verne. The students, from second to fourth year classes, are committed to bring its support for disabled children or the elderly frail. They go in their leisure time in the homes of people for a moment of relief to those who need it. They help the children to draw, listen to their music or simply making company to grandparents only. A joint project with the schools because we believe that expanding the dialogue and especially the participation we can decide on the guidelines of social policies to be undertaken on the ground ".
" Often - added Carmine Stornaiuolo , Commission Chairman Hall XIII School-boys are portrayed as bullies and bored. However, those who decided to participate in this project is the good part of young people, who continue to have such noble values \u200b\u200band ideas. "
" Thanks goes especially to those guys, "concluded Bellavista Septimus, President Social Services Commission XIII Municipio-their teachers and school leaders, our social services Manrico and Don who was the promoter of this initiative, the Department has decided to support. "
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