Everything crumbles and falls like the old cornices.
Dr. Giampaolo Briguglio leave the boat (the ship has long since sunk).
"insider" knows the "gear" and then nothing to blame.
Who's next?
Too many poisons, igiurie, complaints, lawsuits, murals, oral, bestial.
It all started badly and will end worse.
But that's how you govern a 'fold with 3,500 units?
advantage of the space that I allowed myself to thank motorists who just happens when it rains and the roads turn into streams, have a malicious pleasure of using the 'aquaplaning as showers, regardless of the discomfort they cause to pedestrians and shop owners, thanks for showing the 'incivility that there is congenital and congenial.
Bypass, bypass the much-vaunted have not had anything ripped manholes, asphalt swollen, impassable roads, gli unici bypass che tengono, sono i miei 5 (Made in Germany).
Per i Consiglieri Provinciali in cerca di fama :
Il maltempo di oggi avrá probabilmente (purtroppo) provocato danni, documentate TUTTO anche fotograficamente e speditelo direttamente al Presidente dei Ministri, invece di "cianciri curcio" alla Provincia o Regione e tanto meno ai Vostri (padroni), provate direttamente, vedremo cosa accadrá.
Bypassato, schifato, incazzato............come sempre....
Pippo Caminiti
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