Sunday, October 31, 2010
Cogat Sample Test Online
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Nitrous Oxide Whipppets
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
When To Use Sc And Sk
An Italian is killed every three days on the ward for errors or disorganization. The worst in Calabria and Sicily.
Click HERE for the full 'article.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What To Say When Preferring Cash Gifts
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Who Does Lala's Weave
From hours of 14:00 17:10:10 at 14:00 of 18:10:10 = 24 hours, fell on Furci 24.30 liters / m² of rain.
Start time 14:00 of 16:10:10 at 14:00 of 17:10:10 = 24 hours, fell on Furci 19.14 liters / m² rain .
This is a new service Furciblog for loyal readers.
This service will be daily, excluding contingencies and my long absences.
Pippo Caminiti
Here the link where you will find "How to Build a rain gauge manual":
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Octopus Tattoo Genitalia
Everything crumbles and falls like the old cornices.
Dr. Giampaolo Briguglio leave the boat (the ship has long since sunk).
"insider" knows the "gear" and then nothing to blame.
Who's next?
Too many poisons, igiurie, complaints, lawsuits, murals, oral, bestial.
It all started badly and will end worse.
But that's how you govern a 'fold with 3,500 units?
advantage of the space that I allowed myself to thank motorists who just happens when it rains and the roads turn into streams, have a malicious pleasure of using the 'aquaplaning as showers, regardless of the discomfort they cause to pedestrians and shop owners, thanks for showing the 'incivility that there is congenital and congenial.
Bypass, bypass the much-vaunted have not had anything ripped manholes, asphalt swollen, impassable roads, gli unici bypass che tengono, sono i miei 5 (Made in Germany).
Per i Consiglieri Provinciali in cerca di fama :
Il maltempo di oggi avrá probabilmente (purtroppo) provocato danni, documentate TUTTO anche fotograficamente e speditelo direttamente al Presidente dei Ministri, invece di "cianciri curcio" alla Provincia o Regione e tanto meno ai Vostri (padroni), provate direttamente, vedremo cosa accadrá.
Bypassato, schifato, incazzato............come sempre....
Pippo Caminiti
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Red Velvet Cakes Toronto
Il documento trafugato, del quale si legge in un sito "molto ma molto vicino all' attuale Ammistrazione", non é giunto QUALCHE GIORNO FA ma é stato -9 sent from Palermo in July 2010. Admission and calculated the slowness of the Italian, not that the documents have arrived at their destination a few days ago because the items (stolen) in my possession, dating from more than 20 days ago.
The documents are addressed to Mr. Mayor, the President of the Municipal Council of the City of Furci (not the Commissioner ad acta) and for information to the Auditor of the City of Furci Siculus.
In its letter of 21 August 2008 sent a little to all relevant bodies, is required by the Commissioner ad acta Mr. Mayor.
In my humble opinion, and while being all 'obscure "tangling" legal, A copy of the reply of the Court of Auditors would have to go all 'ex-prime minister because of the facts Conscenza person and author of certain facts, it seems,' s ex-prime minister has not even received the news of the response.
So I had to print some and wish you good hunting moles (which are somewhat blind) but wonderfully rummage the drawers (unattended).
What the law says, what people say lawyers and experts?
Pippo Caminiti
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
What Do You Wear For Wrestling
covered ... or unruly, I turn to those who possess a few trees in the garden of LAUREL, hide it properly, the surviving members of the 'current administration furcese desperately want a fair amount of leaves of the aforementioned tree to crown their enormous heads (heads). How
were good in just a few months have bridged the chasm left by 'the previous administration, Furci shines as never before (at' dawn with golden reflections), all thanks to the magic and good will of the Almighty.
miracle, we as leaders of the shamans, a little WooDoo, a few drops of blood of chicken, the closing documents in a drawer, one or two carcasses of bats, a 'good witch, some magic formula in a moonless night e. ................. everything can be fixed, we expect a period of' gold!
There remains covering the head (head) of ash, lay carpets, move towards (Via Roma) and cheer on these divine temple where living creatures are capable of giving us so much prosperity and happiness in the blink of an eye.
struck by the magical events .............
Pippo Caminiti
Friday, October 8, 2010
Desired Pay On Application
On October of last year's catastrophic landslide events of Messina, Ionian, they emphasized the fragility of coastal settlements in Sicily. On 10 November 2009 and September 9, 2010 Casamicciola Atrani, in Campania, nature has dealt a blow to two well-known havens "of luxury holiday. Few days ago (October 4) have been hit and badly damaged again densely urbanized areas of the Ligurian coast. Forty victims, caused by a total of catastrophic events mentioned. The question arises: Why? We're not sure? We are not protected by These flash floods? The rainfall events that caused the disaster from the south to the north of Italy are typical for the short duration and the large amount of water poured on the soil surface investing in areas of limited size, ranging from tens to hundreds of square kilometers.
The storms, as illustrated by the radar images, we are continuously fed by the energy and the convergence of sea fronts and currents along the coasts. These storm-healing cells that are activated quickly during periods of transition of the seasons and mainly affect coastal areas characterized by morphological barriers that rise steeply from sea level to over 1000 meters, are typically made as the Mediterranean coast. As for the flash-floods, it is of the deadly storm mesoscale systems (MCS Mesoscale Convective System) in the last 60 years, in Italy, have caused about 500 deaths and immense damage to housing stock and infrastructure. Their danger has always been known, and Italy is a country for very vulnerable to this kind of phenomena: for this reason, the civil protection system should be organized to protect the lives of citizens, but unfortunately it is not. From the point of view of the forecast, there are still technologies that allow us to predict exactly where these phenomena (Which are very localized in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe territory) strike. After all
meteorologists regularly launch warnings and alerts relating to the wider area within which it is possible that such violent episodes occur. Catastrophic events have dramatically highlighted remember that the areas concerned were affected suddenly caught unprepared citizens and institutions. it is clear that you must fill this gap, which mostly affects the security of citizens. After the disaster of Messina developing guidelines to provide the territory of a proper system of civil protection in order to limit the damage caused by heavy rains. First you need to identificare le aree potenzialmente soggette ai fenomeni estremi. Poi bisogna pensare ai moderni radar meteo che consentono di individuare le perturbazioni sopraggiungenti che possono alimentare alluvioni-lampo, insieme ad altre adeguate strumentazioni che consentono di monitorare le variazioni di pressione atmosferica, di vento e intensità della pioggia che solitamente caratterizzano i più violenti temporali.
Anche l’osservazione diretta di occhi “educati” a riconoscere i fenomeni atmosferici contribuisce all’individuazione del fenomeno. La sicurezza che un’area sia investita dalle intense e pericolose piogge viene fornita dall’osservazione della curva pluviometrica in tempo reale. Dal momento che l’area invested by the phenomenon may be of limited magnitude, you need a dense mesh of meteorological stations. The simultaneous recording of meteorological parameters in adjacent sites provides an indication of the area you are interested from the start of the event. After a few minutes you have the almost certainty that the event can escalate to become "flood" and potentially catastrophic as that of the previous rounds of Genoa.
Research performed in recent years in many areas devastated by flash floods, the rain beginning to show that the triggering of landslides, floods and landslides various steps from 15 to 120 minutes, a period of time critical to safeguard human lives. It should be clear that rainfall so much violent Messina (300mm in less than three hours) and Genoa (400mm in no time) cause repercussions in the area, around the world, wherever they occur. On these occasions the nature manifests its power, we get the space needed to dispose of the exceptional flows in accordance with the laws governing natural phenomena which also includes exceptional occurrences. it is clear that the man should have taken account of the spaces that are periodically "claimed" by natural phenomena. Unfortunately, the man-made laws have always been the presumption that nature should be subject to the power man. The urban areas were often to the contact with the torrential river beds and, very often the latter have been covered (such Atrani, Casamicciola and Messina) and turned into roads.
addition to that building, unfortunately we have to deal with a widespread "illegal environment", also made in respect of planning instruments, related to the urbanization of areas that would have to comply with the laws of nature and to be left available to exceptional events . In coastal areas such as Messina, the peninsula coast, the Calabrian coast, the Ligurian coast of Italy and many other areas subject to landslides and flooding cycles, million people live: they are densely urbanized even at the mouth of rivers at the foot of steep hills and hydrogeological unstable. You can not find the financial resources to put them in structural safety. If you want to avoid new victims should focus on modern weather forecasting and prevention, just encouraging the spread of new radar and weather stations and early warning systems: it is the only way to beat the time the fury of nature, of course without being able to pretend to stop it but at least managed to rescue the population.
* Professor of Geology and Director of the Department of Planning and Science Planning, University of Naples Federico II
** Director - Online Journal of Meteorology
Here's the original link:
Saturday, October 2, 2010
A Blister On Inside Thumb Infected
"... is no longer acceptable that the editorial does not work il web o che si pretenda per questo una speciale remunerazione. Non è più accettabile che perduri la norma che prevede il consenso dell'interessato a ogni spostamento, a parità di mansione ..... non è più accettabile l'atteggiamento di sufficienza e di sospetto con cui parte della redazione ha accolto il successo della web tv..... prima vengono le esigenze del giornale, poi le pur legittime aspirazioni dei giornalisti".Parole queste di Ferruccio De Bortoli che condivido pienamente, mentre invece al Corriere della Sera hanno già causato uno sciopero (e un altro è preannunciato).
Sicuramente non causato soltanto da queste parole, ma il sospetto che mentre il mondo della carta stampata sta franando la maggiorparte dei giornalisti non se ne rende conto e ritiene le condizioni qui sopra delineate come inaccettabili è quasi una certezza.